
# These functions are convenience functinos that wrap other functionality to save the user typing

#' Take a data.frame in r and output an openxlsx wb object
#' @param df The data.frame to convert to Excel
#' @param auto_number_format Boolean. Whether to automatically detect number formats of columns
#' @param titles Character vector of titles. One element per row of title.
#' @param footers Table footers.  A character vector.  One element per row of footer.
#' @param left_header_colnames  The names of the columns that you want to designate as left headers
#' @param vertical_border Boolean. Do you want a left border?
#' @param auto_open Boolean. Automatically open Excel output.
#' @param return_tab  Boolean.  Return a tab object rather than a openxlsx workbook object
#' @param auto_merge Boolean.  Whether to merge cells in the title and footers to width of body
#' @param insert_below_tab A existing tab object.  If provided, this table will be written on the same sheet, below the provided tab.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' wb <- auto_crosstab_to_wb(mtcars)
auto_df_to_wb <-
           auto_number_format = TRUE,
           titles = NULL,
           footers = NULL,
           left_header_colnames = NULL,
           vertical_border = TRUE,
           auto_open = FALSE,
           return_tab = FALSE,
           auto_merge = TRUE,
           insert_below_tab = NULL
           ) {

  #Get headers from table
  headers <- names(df)

  tab <- initialise(insert_below_tab = insert_below_tab) %>%
    add_top_headers(headers) %>%
    add_body(df,left_header_colnames = left_header_colnames)

  if (is.null(left_header_colnames)) {
    tab <- auto_detect_left_headers(tab)

  if (auto_number_format) {
    tab <- auto_style_number_formatting(tab)

  if (not_null(titles)) {
    tab <- add_title(tab, titles)

  if (not_null(footers)) {
    tab <- add_footer(tab, footers)

  tab <- write_all_elements_to_wb(tab)

  if (auto_merge) {
    tab <- auto_merge_title_cells(tab)
    tab <- auto_merge_footer_cells(tab)

  if (vertical_border) {
    tab <- add_left_header_vertical_border(tab)

  tab <- add_styles_to_wb(tab)

  if (auto_open) {

  if (return_tab) {
  } else {


#' Take a cross tabulation produced by `reshape2::dcast` and output a formatted openxlsx wb object
#' @param df A data.frame.  The cross tabulation to convert to Excel
#' @param auto_number_format Whether to automatically detect number format
#' @param top_headers A list.  Custom top headers. See [add_top_headers()]
#' @param titles The title.  A character vector.  One element per row of title
#' @param footers Table footers.  A character vector.  One element per row of footer.
#' @param auto_open Boolean. Automatically open Excel output.
#' @param indent Automatically detect level of indentation of each row
#' @param left_header_colnames  The names of the columns that you want to designate as left headers
#' @param vertical_border Boolean. Do you want a left border?
#' @param return_tab  Boolean.  Return a tab object rather than a openxlsx workbook object
#' @param auto_merge Boolean.  Whether to merge cells in the title and footers to width of body
#' @param insert_below_tab A existing tab object.  If provided, this table will be written on the same sheet, below the provided tab.
#' @param total_text  The text that is used for the 'grand total' of a cross tabulation
#' @param include_header_rows  Boolean - whether to include or omit the header rows
#' @param number_format_overrides e.g. list("colname1" = "currency1") see [auto_style_number_formatting]
#' @param wb A existing openxlsx workbook.  If not provided, a new one will be created
#' @param ws_name The name of the worksheet you want to write to
#' @param fill_non_values_with Manually specify a list of strings that will replace non numbers types NA, NaN, Inf and -Inf. e.g. list(na = '*', nan = '', inf = '-', neg_inf = '--'). Note: NaNs are not treated as NAs.
#' @param allcount_to_level_translate Manually specify how to translate summary levels into header formatting
#' @param left_header_col_widths Width of row header columns you wish to set in Excel column width units. If singular, value is applied to all row header columns. If a vector, vector must have length equal to the number of row headers in workbook. Use special case "auto" for automatic sizing. Default (NULL) leaves column widths unchanged.
#' @param body_header_col_widths Width of body header columns you wish to set in Excel column width units. If singular, value is applied to all body columns. If a vector, vector must have length equal to the number of body headers in workbook. Use special case "auto" for automatic sizing. Default (NULL) leaves column widths unchanged.

#' @export
#' @examples
#' crosstab <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "example_crosstab.csv", package="xltabr"))
#' wb <- auto_crosstab_to_wb(crosstab)
auto_crosstab_to_wb <-
           auto_number_format = TRUE,
           top_headers = NULL,
           titles = NULL,
           footers = NULL,
           auto_open = FALSE,
           indent = TRUE,
           left_header_colnames = NULL,
           vertical_border = TRUE,
           return_tab = FALSE,
           auto_merge = TRUE,
           insert_below_tab = NULL,
           total_text = NULL,
           include_header_rows = TRUE,
           wb = NULL,
           ws_name = NULL,
           number_format_overrides = list(),
           fill_non_values_with = list(na = NULL, nan = NULL, inf = NULL, neg_inf = NULL),
           allcount_to_level_translate = NULL,
           left_header_col_widths = NULL,
           body_header_col_widths = NULL) {

  tab <- auto_crosstab_to_tab(df,
                       auto_number_format = auto_number_format,
                       top_headers = top_headers,
                       titles = titles,
                       footers = footers,
                       indent = indent,
                       left_header_colnames = left_header_colnames,
                       vertical_border = vertical_border,
                       auto_merge = auto_merge,
                       insert_below_tab = insert_below_tab,
                       total_text = total_text,
                       include_header_rows = include_header_rows,
                       wb = wb,
                       ws_name = ws_name,
                       number_format_overrides = number_format_overrides,
                       fill_non_values_with = fill_non_values_with,
                       allcount_to_level_translate = allcount_to_level_translate)

  tab <- write_all_elements_to_wb(tab)

  tab <- add_styles_to_wb(tab)

  tab <- set_wb_widths(tab, left_header_col_widths = left_header_col_widths, body_header_col_widths = body_header_col_widths)

  if (auto_open) {

  if (return_tab) {
  } else {


#' Take a cross tabulation produced by `reshape2::dcast` and output a formatted openxlsx wb object
#' @param df A data.frame.  The cross tabulation to convert to Excel
#' @param auto_number_format Whether to automatically detect number format
#' @param top_headers A list.  Custom top headers. See [add_top_headers()]
#' @param titles The title.  A character vector.  One element per row of title
#' @param footers Table footers.  A character vector.  One element per row of footer.
#' @param indent Automatically detect level of indentation of each row
#' @param left_header_colnames  The names of the columns that you want to designate as left headers
#' @param vertical_border Boolean. Do you want a left border?
#' @param auto_merge Boolean.  Whether to merge cells in the title and footers to width of body
#' @param insert_below_tab A existing tab object.  If provided, this table will be written on the same sheet, below the provided tab.
#' @param total_text  The text that is used for the 'grand total' of a cross tabulation
#' @param include_header_rows  Boolean - whether to include or omit the header rows
#' @param number_format_overrides e.g. list("colname1" = "currency1") see [auto_style_number_formatting]
#' @param wb A existing openxlsx workbook.  If not provided, a new one will be created
#' @param ws_name The name of the worksheet you want to write to
#' @param fill_non_values_with Manually specify a list of strings that will replace non numbers types NA, NaN, Inf and -Inf. e.g. list(na = '*', nan = '', inf = '-', neg_inf = '--'). Note: NaNs are not treated as NAs.
#' @param allcount_to_level_translate Manually specify how to translate summary levels into header formatting
#' @export
#' @examples
#' crosstab <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "example_crosstab.csv", package="xltabr"))
#' tab <- auto_crosstab_to_tab(crosstab)
auto_crosstab_to_tab <-
           auto_number_format = TRUE,
           top_headers = NULL,
           titles = NULL,
           footers = NULL,
           indent = TRUE,
           left_header_colnames = NULL,
           vertical_border = TRUE,
           auto_merge = TRUE,
           insert_below_tab = NULL,
           total_text = NULL,
           include_header_rows = TRUE,
           wb = NULL,
           ws_name = NULL,
           number_format_overrides = list(),
           fill_non_values_with = list(na = NULL, nan = NULL, inf = NULL, neg_inf = NULL),
           allcount_to_level_translate = NULL) {

    top_header_provided <- TRUE
    if (is.null(top_headers)) {
      top_header_provided <- FALSE
      top_headers  <- names(df)

    tab <- initialise(insert_below_tab = insert_below_tab, wb = wb, ws_name = ws_name)

    if (include_header_rows) {
      tab <- add_top_headers(tab, top_headers)

    tab <- add_body(tab, df,left_header_colnames = left_header_colnames, fill_non_values_with = fill_non_values_with)

    if (is.null(left_header_colnames)) {
      tab <- auto_detect_left_headers(tab)

    tab <- auto_detect_body_title_level(tab, allcount_to_level_translate = allcount_to_level_translate)

    if (auto_number_format) {
      tab <- auto_style_number_formatting(tab, overrides = number_format_overrides)

    if (not_null(titles)) {
      tab <- add_title(tab, titles)

    if (indent) {
      tab <- auto_style_indent(tab, total_text = total_text)

    if (vertical_border) {
      tab <- add_left_header_vertical_border(tab)

    if (not_null(footers)) {
      tab <- add_footer(tab, footers)

    if (auto_merge) {
      tab <- auto_merge_title_cells(tab)
      tab <- auto_merge_footer_cells(tab)



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xltabr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:11 a.m.