
xtest <- readRDS(file = "testdata/xtest.rds")
ytest <- readRDS(file = "testdata/ytest.rds")
b0_glmnet <- readRDS(file = "testdata/b0_glmnet.rds")
betas_glmnet <- readRDS(file = "testdata/betas_glmnet.rds")
n <- length(ytest)
sd_y <- sqrt(var(ytest) * (n - 1) / n)
ytest_scaled <- ytest / sd_y
myControl <- list(tolerance = 1e-15)
path_ridge <- readRDS(file = "testdata/path_ridge.rds")
path_lasso <- readRDS(file = "testdata/path_lasso.rds")
path_en <- readRDS(file = "testdata/path_en.rds")

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xrnet documentation built on March 26, 2020, 9:13 p.m.