
# Coerce Codelist to Factor
# Coerces codelist to factor.
# Generic, with default and data.frame methods.
# Returns 'classified' 'factor' which as an attribute-preserving
# subset method.
# @param x object
# @param ... passed arguments
# @export
# @keywords internal
# @return class 'classified' 'factor'
# @family factorize_codelist
# factorize_codelist <- function(x,...){UseMethod('factorize_codelist')}

# Coerce Codelist to Factor by Default
# Coerces Codelist to Factor by Default. Coerces to character and calls next method.
# @param x presumably vector-like
# @param ... passed arguments
# @export
# @keywords internal
# @return class 'classified' 'factor'
# @family factorize_codelist
# factorize_codelist.default <- function(x,...){
#   y <- as.character(x)
#   attributes(y) <- attributes(x)
#   factorize_codelist(y,...)
# }
# Coerce Codelist to Factor for Factor
# Coerces Codelist to Factor for Factors.
# Coerces to character and calls next method.
# @param x factor
# @param ... passed arguments
# @export
# @keywords internal
# @return class 'classified' 'factor'
# @family factorize_codelist
# factorize_codelist.factor <- function(x,...){
#   y <- as.character(x)
#   attr(x, 'levels') <- NULL
#   attr(x, 'class') <- NULL
#   attributes(y) <- attributes(x) # non-factor attributes
#   factorize_codelist(y,...)
# }

# Coerce Character with Codelist to Factor
# Coerces character with codelist attribute to factor.
# If attribute 'codelist' is missing, unique values of
# x are supplied.
# @param x character
# @param ... ignored
# @export
# @keywords internal
# @return class 'classified' 'factor'
# @family factorize_codelist
# @examples
# example(factorize_codelist.data.fame)
# factorize_codelist.character <- function(x,...){
#   guide <- attr(x,'codelist')
#   if(is.null(guide)) guide <- as.list(unique(x))
#   if(any(sapply(guide,function(i)is.null(i)))){
#     warning('codelist contains NULL')
#   }else{
#     labs <- names(guide)
#     if(is.null(labs))labs <- rep('',length(guide))
#     levs <- unlist(guide)
#     if(any(labs == '')){
#       # warning('guide for ',item,' contains unlabeled level(s); using level itself')
#       labs[labs == ''] <- levs[labs == '']
#     }
#     codelist <- as.list(levs)
#     names(codelist) <- labs
#     reserve <- attributes(x)
#     reserve$codelist <- NULL
#     # proposed:
#     # reserve$codelist <- codelist # fully-specified.  This was <- NULL before 0.6.0
#     try(x <- factor(x, levels = levs, labels = labs))
#     if(is.factor(x)){
#       attributes(x) <- c(reserve, attributes(x))
#       x <- as_classified(x)
#     }else{
#       warning('could not coerce to factor, returning character')
#     }
#     x
#   }
# }
# Coerce Data Frame Items with Codelists to Factor
# Coerces items in data.frame with codelist attribute to 'classified':
# a factor with a codelist attribute
# @param x data.frame
# @param ... passed to \code{\link[dplyr]{select}} to limit scope
# @export
# @keywords internal
# @return data.frame
# @family factorize_codelist
# @examples
# library(magrittr)
# file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv')
# x <- decorate(file)
# x %>% explicit_guide %>% decorations(Age, Race, Heart:glyco)
# x %>% explicit_guide %>% factorize_codelist %>% decorations(Age, Race, Heart:glyco)
# x %>% explicit_guide %>% factorize_codelist(Heart:glyco) %>% decorations(Age, Race, Heart:glyco)

# factorize_codelist.data.frame <- function(x,...){
#   my_class <- class(x)
#   for(nm in selected(x,...)){
#     if('codelist' %in% names(attributes(x[[nm]]))){
#       x[[nm]] <- factorize_codelist(x[[nm]]) # grouped_df can drop subclass!
#     }
#   }
#   class(x) <- my_class
#   x
# }

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