yml_resource_files: Add external resource files to R Markdown document

View source: R/yml_rmarkdown.R

yml_resource_filesR Documentation

Add external resource files to R Markdown document


The resource_files field specifies a character vectors of paths to external resources to include in the output, e.g. files that are necessary for rendering. These files are handled with rmarkdown::find_external_resources().


yml_resource_files(.yml, resource_files)



a yml object created by yml(), as_yml(), or returned by a yml_*() function


A path to a file, directory, or a wildcard pattern (such as "data/*.csv")


a yml object

See Also

Other yml: asis_yaml_output(), bib2yml(), draw_yml_tree(), has_field(), read_json(), use_yml_defaults(), use_yml_file(), use_yml(), yml_author(), yml_blogdown_opts(), yml_bookdown_opts(), yml_citations(), yml_clean(), yml_distill_opts(), yml_latex_opts(), yml_output(), yml_pagedown_opts(), yml_params(), yml_pkgdown(), yml_reference(), yml_replace(), yml_rsconnect_email(), yml_rticles_opts(), yml_runtime(), yml_site_opts(), yml_toc(), yml_vignette()


yml() %>%
  yml_resource_files(c("data/mydata.csv", "images/figure.png"))

ymlthis documentation built on Aug. 5, 2022, 5:23 p.m.