Man pages for zFactor
Calculate the Compressibility Factor 'z' for Hydrocarbon Gases

Ann10Artificial Neural Network correlation
Beggs-BrillBeggs and Brill correlation
convertStringToVectorsplit a long string to create a vector for testing
createTidyFromMatrixCreate a tidy table from Ppr and Tpr vectors
DAK.genDataset7p4tGenerate a dataset of z values calculated by DAK
dak_shortHall-Yarborough tidy dataset
DPR.genDataset7p4tGenerate a dataset of z values calculated by DPR
dpr_shortHall-Yarborough tidy dataset
Dranchuk-AbouKassemDranchuk-AbouKassem correlation
Dranchuk-Purvis-RobinsonDranchuk-Purvis-Robinson correlation
getStandingKatzCurveRead file with readings from Standing-Katz chart, create data...
getStandingKatzDataRead a file with readings from Standing-Katz chart. Similar...
getStandingKatzMatrixGenerate a matrix of Standing-Katz pseudo-reduced pressure...
getStandingKatzTprGet a numeric vector of the digitized curves available for...
get_z_correlationsGet correlation information
Hall-YarboroughHall-Yarborough correlation
HY.genDataset7p4tGenerate a dataset of z values read from Standing-Kats chart
hy_shortHall-Yarborough tidy dataset
isValid_correlationCheck if supplied correlation (three letter) is valid
listStandingKatzCurvesList all Standing-Katz curve files available at Low and High...
multiplotStandingKatzPlot multiple Tpr isotherm curves in one figure
PappPapp correlation
Ppr_min# Correlation Kamyab et al. Created using Artificial Neural...
ShellShell correlation from Kumar thesis (2005)
SK.genDataset7p4tGenerate a dataset of z values read from Standing-Kats chart
sk_shortHall-Yarborough tidy dataset
stats_of_z.statsStatistics on z.stats table
zFactorNew_getLoggerRetrieves zFactorNew logger.
zFactor-packageCalculation of compressibility factors using varius...
z_HYHall-Yarborough tidy dataset
z_hy_derivHall-Yarborough tidy dataset
z.plot.rangeTile plot of best fit area for a correlation
z_sk_chartHall-Yarborough tidy dataset
z.statsSummary statistics table for a correlation
z.stats_quantileQuantiles for z.stats
zFactor documentation built on Aug. 1, 2019, 5:04 p.m.