
#' @title Calculate Confidence Intervals for the Difference of Zero Order and
#'   (Semi) Partial Correlation
#' @description The \code{pzconf} function calculates confidence intervals for a
#'   zero order correlation minus a (semi) partial correlation (\eqn{\rho.xy -
#'   \rho.xy.z}). It is intended to be used after the \code{\link{pzcor}}
#'   function.
#' @param pzcor_obj pzcor object (output from pzcor function).
#' @param level numerical. Confidence level used to calculate the confidence
#'   interval. This may be a vector so multiple intervals can be determined.
#' @details The \code{pzconf} function calculates confidence intervals based on
#'   the bootstrap distribution determined from the \code{\link{pzcor}}
#'   function. See \code{?pzcor} for details.
#' @return The confidence interval(s) is(are) displayed in a dataframe with four
#'   columns: Level, Lower, Upper, and Warnings. Level refers to the confidence
#'   level of the interval. Lower and Upper are the respective lower and upper
#'   bounds of the interval. Warnings may say "Max Level Passed" to show that
#'   the specified confidence level exceeds the largest confidence interval
#'   that can be determined from the test. The largest confidence interval is
#'   shown in the last row (named "Max").
#' @seealso \code{\link{pzcor}}
#' @examples
#' require(graphics)
#' require(MASS)
#' # data
#' set.seed(1111)
#' mu <- rep(0,4)
#' Sigma <- matrix(.2, nrow=4, ncol=4) + diag(4)*.8
#' data <- mvrnorm(n=100, mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma)
#' # p.(1,2) = p.(1,2)|(3,4) test
#' test <- pzcor(data[,1], data[,2], data[,c(3,4)], k = 1000)
#' hist(test$distribution)
#' pzconf(test, c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99))
#' @export
pzconf = function(pzcor_obj, level = 0.9){
  # As per equation 14.10 on page 185 of "Introduction to the Bootstrap",
  # Efron and Tibshirani
  if(class(pzcor_obj) != 'pzcor'){
    first_arg = match.call()[2]
    stop('Must be pzcor object: ', first_arg)
  if(!is.numeric(level) | !all(0 < level & level < 1)){
    stop('level must be numeric between 0 and 1')

  z_0 <- pzcor_obj$bias
  acceleration <- pzcor_obj$acceleration
  distribution <- sort(pzcor_obj$distribution)
  k_eff <- pzcor_obj$k_eff
  test <- pzcor_obj$test

  max_level <- get_max_level(k_eff, acceleration, z_0, test)

  if(test == 'eq'){
    z_alpha <- stats::qnorm((1 - level)/2)
    result <- data.frame(Level = level, Lower = z_alpha, Upper = -z_alpha)
    max_result <- data.frame(Level = max_level,
                             Lower = distribution[1],
                             Upper = distribution[k_eff])
  } else {
    z_alpha <- stats::qnorm((1 - level))
    if(test == 'gt'){
      result <- data.frame(Level = level, Lower = z_alpha)
      max_result <- data.frame(Level = max_level,
                               Lower = distribution[1])
    } else if(test == 'lt'){
      result <- data.frame(Level = level, Upper = -z_alpha)
      max_result <- data.frame(Level = max_level,
                               Upper = distribution[k_eff])

  get_bound <- function(z_alpha){
    # As per equation 14.10 on page 185 of "Introduction to the Bootstrap",
    # Efron and Tibshirani
    BCa_z <- z_0 + (z_0 + z_alpha)/(1 - acceleration*(z_0 + z_alpha))
    cum_prop <- stats::pnorm(BCa_z)
    bound_ind <- cum_prop * k_eff
    bound_ind[which(bound_ind < 1)] <- 1
    lower_ind <- which(z_alpha < 0)
    upper_ind <- which(z_alpha >= 0)
    bound_ind[lower_ind] <- floor(bound_ind[lower_ind])
    bound_ind[upper_ind] <- ceiling(bound_ind[upper_ind])
    bound <- distribution[bound_ind]

  result[,-1] <- lapply(result[,-1, drop = FALSE], get_bound)

  result <- rbind(result, max_result)

  row.names(result)[nrow(result)] <- 'Max'

  result$Warnings <- ''

  result$Warnings[which(result$Level > max_level)] <- '  Max Level Passed'


get_max_level = function(k_eff, acceleration, bias, test){
  # As per equation 15.34 on page 216 of "Introduction to the Bootstrap",
  # Efron and Tibshirani
  min <- get_unadjusted_alpha(1/k_eff, acceleration, bias)
  max <- get_unadjusted_alpha(1 - 1/k_eff, acceleration, bias)
  if(test == 'eq'){
    result <- max - min
  } else if(test == 'gt'){
    result <- 1 - min
  } else if(test == 'lt'){
    result <- max

get_unadjusted_alpha = function(cum_prop, acceleration, bias){
  w_0 <- stats::qnorm(cum_prop)
  z_0 <- bias
  BCa_z <- (w_0 - z_0)/(1 + acceleration*(w_0 - z_0)) - z_0
  alpha <- stats::pnorm(BCa_z)


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zeroEQpart documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:04 p.m.