
Defines functions moezipfMoments .moment

Documented in moezipfMoments

.moment <- function(x, k, zeta_alpha, alpha, beta){
  (zeta_alpha * beta * x^(-alpha + k))/((zeta_alpha - (1 - beta) * .zeta_x(alpha, x)) * (zeta_alpha - (1 - beta) * .zeta_x(alpha, x + 1)))

#' Distribution Moments.
#' General function to compute the k-th moment of the MOEZipf distribution for any integer value \eqn{k \geq 1},
#' when it exists. The k-th moment exists if and only if  \eqn{\alpha > k + 1}.
#' For k = 1, this function returns the same value as the \link{moezipfMean} function.
#' @param k Order of the moment to compute.
#' @param alpha Value of the \eqn{\alpha} parameter (\eqn{\alpha > k + 1}).
#' @param beta Value of the \eqn{\beta} parameter (\eqn{\beta > 0}).
#' @param tolerance Tolerance used in the calculations (default = \eqn{10^{-4}}).
#' @return A positive real value corresponding to the k-th moment of the distribution.
#' @details
#' The k-th moment is computed by calculating the partial sums of the serie, and stopping when two
#' consecutive partial sums differ less than the \code{tolerance} value.
#' The value of the last partial sum is returned.
#' @examples
#' moezipfMoments(3, 4.5, 1.3)
#' moezipfMoments(3, 4.5, 1.3,  1*10^(-3))
#' @export
moezipfMoments <- function(k, alpha, beta, tolerance = 10^(-4)){
  if(!is.numeric(k) || !is.numeric(alpha) || !is.numeric(beta) || !is.numeric(tolerance)){
    stop("Wrong input parameters!!")

  if(alpha < k + 1){
    stop(sprintf('Alpha value must be greater than %s.', k + 1))

  if(!k%%1 == 0 || k < 1){
    stop('Wrong moment value!!. You have to provide a possitive and integer value.')

  aux <- 1
  x <- 1
  result <- 0
  zeta_alpha <- VGAM::zeta(alpha)

  while(aux > tolerance) {
    aux <- sapply(x, .moment, k = k, zeta_alpha = zeta_alpha, alpha = alpha, beta = beta)
    result <- result + aux
    x <- x + 1


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