zi_convert: Convert Five-digit ZIP Codes to Three-digit ZIP Codes

View source: R/zi_convert.R

zi_convertR Documentation

Convert Five-digit ZIP Codes to Three-digit ZIP Codes


This function converts five-digit ZIP Codes to three-digit ZIP Codes. The first three digits of a ZIP Code are known as the ZIP3 Code, and corresponds to the sectional center facility (SCF) that processes mail for a region.


zi_convert(.data, input_var, output_var)



A data frame containing a column of five-digit ZIP Codes.


A character scalar specifying the column name with the five-digit ZIP Codes in the data frame.


Optional; A character scalar specifying the column name to store the three-digit ZIP Codes in the data frame.


A tibble containing the original data frame with a new column of three-digit ZIP Codes.


# add new column
## create sample data
df <- data.frame(id = c(1:3), zip5 = c("63005", "63139", "63636"))

## convert ZIP Codes to ZIP3, creating a new column
zi_convert(.data = df, input_var = zip5, output_var = zip3)

# overwrite existing column
## create sample data
df <- data.frame(id = c(1:3), zip = c("63005", "63139", "63636"))

## convert ZIP Codes to ZIP3, creating a new column
zi_convert(.data = df, input_var = zip)

zippeR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:56 p.m.