Man pages for zoib
Bayesian Inference for Beta Regression and Zero-or-One Inflated Beta Regression

AlcoholUseCalifornia County-level Teenager Monthly Alcohol Use data
BiRepeatedData from a correlated bivariate beta distribution with...
check.psrfConvergence Check for Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations...
fixedFixed-effects beta regression with no inflation at 0 or 1
fixed0Fixed-effects beta regression model with inflation at 0
fixed01Fixed-effects beta regression with inflation at 0 and 1
fixed1Fixed-effects beta regression with inflation at 1
GasolineYieldGasoline Yields Data
joint.1zJointly modeling of multiple variables taking values from...
joint.1z0Jointly modelling of multiple variables taking values from...
joint.1z01Jointly modelling of multiple variables taking values from...
joint.1z1Jointly modelling of multiple variables taking values from...
joint.2zJointly modelling of multiple variables taking values from...
joint.2z0Jointly modelling of multiple variables taking values from...
joint.2z01Jointly modelling of multiple variables taking values from...
joint.2z1Jointly modelling of multiple variables taking values from...
paraplotvisual display of the posterior inferences of the parameters...
pred.zoibposterior predictive samples of Y for given new X
sep.1zSeparately modelling of multiple response variables taking...
sep.1z0Separately modelling of multiple response variables taking...
sep.1z01Separately modelling of multiple response variables taking...
sep.1z1Separately modelling of multiple response variables taking...
sep.2zSeparately modelling of multiple response variables taking...
sep.2z0Separately modelling of multiple response variables taking...
sep.2z01Separately modelling of multiple response variables taking...
sep.2z1Separately modelling of multiple response variables taking...
zoibBayesian Inference for Zero/One Inflated Beta Regression
zoib-packageBayesian Inference for Beta Regression and...
zoib documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:49 p.m.