
## package name: zoomgrid
## author: Yukai Yang
## Statistiska Inst., Uppsala Universitet
## Dec 2018

#' zoomgrid: a package implementing the grid search algorithm with a zoom.
#' The package implements the grid search algorithm with a zoom.
#' The grid search aims to help solving difficult optimization problem where there are many local optimizers
#' inside the domain of the target function or the parameter space of the log-likelihood function.
#' It offers suitable initial or starting value for the following optimization procedure
#' provided that the global optimum exists in the neighbourhood of the initial or starting value.
#' And therefore the grid search does not do optimization.
#' But if the grid is fine enough, the result approximates the optimizer.
#' The grid search algorithm consists of two steps:
#' -- firstly, it builds a grid with many points which discretize the domain of the target function;
#' -- secondly, it evaluates the target function at these points in the grid and find the point
#' which produces the smallest (minimization) or largest (maximization) function value.
#' A fine grid is needed in order for a satisfactory result
#' (initial or starting value of the following optimization, or an approximation of the optimizer).
#' For cases with multiple (high-dimensional) arguments,
#' the grid may contain too many points to evaluate the target function within a reasonably short time period.
#' Thus, a grid search algorithm with a zoom is implemented as an option in the package.
#' The grid search algorithm with a zoom does not require a very find grid, but a grid with a zoom-in mechanism.
#' Based on the algorithm introduced above, the user of the package can choose to zoom in around the neighbourhoods the first \eqn{n}
#' smallest (minimization) or largest (maximization) points obtained from the first round grid search.
#' A much finer grid will be built in the neighbourhoods these points, and the grid search will continue.
#' The grid search with a zoom stops after \eqn{k} rounds and gives a final result.
#' The result is equivalent to that from a grid search based on (one round) a very fine grid,
#' if the true global optimum is in the neighbourhoods of the \eqn{n} points from the first round grid search.
#' By doing so, the grid search algorithm with a zoom saves time tremendously in cases with high-dimenstional arguments.
#' Note that the user specifies \eqn{n} and \eqn{k} beforehand.
#' Parallel computation, which requires the \code{parallel} package, is implemented and is an option in the package.
#' @section Author and Maintainer:
#' Yukai Yang
#' Department of Statistics, Uppsala University
#' \email{yukai.yang@@statistik.uu.se}
#' @section References:
#' Yang, Yukai (2012, 1.5.4) "\href{https://pure.au.dk/ws/files/45638557/Yukai_Yang_PhD_Thesis.pdf}{Modelling Nonlinear Vector Economic Time Series}", PhD thesis, Aarhus University, Department of economics and business and CREATES.
#' @section functions in the package:
#' \code{\link{build_grid}} build the grid for the following grid search algorithm.
#' \code{\link{grid_search_check}} check the time consumed by running the grid search algorithm with a zoom.
#' \code{\link{grid_search}} conduct the grid search algorithm with a zoom.
#' @docType package
#' @name zoomgrid

#' @importFrom parallel mcmapply detectCores

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zoomgrid documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:41 a.m.