
#' Combine EnergyPlus Input File Sections
#' At ADM we divide the EnergyPlus input files into various sections to make things easier. 
#' @param run_name Name of the EnergyPlus run
#' @keywords EnergyPlus, Parametrics, Calibration
#' @export
#' @examples
#' combine_sections()

combine_sections <- function(run_name, sections_folder, EP_input_folder){
  #filenames <- str_c("sections", dir("sections"), sep = "/")
  filenames <- str_c(sections_folder, dir(sections_folder), sep = "/")
  read_input_files <- sapply(filenames, function(x) read_file(x))
  input_combined <- paste(read_input_files, collapse = "\n")
  write_file(input_combined, str_c(EP_input_folder, "/", run_name, ".idf"))
07engineer/FCZ12.Residential documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:40 p.m.