
#' Perform neighbour joining (perform a distance matrix and sample matrix, then use APE)
#' @param annotated_mutations result from gd_annotate()
#' @return a phylo object
#' @export

tree_generator <-
	function(annotated_mutations) {

		# Matrix where row = sample and col = mut with TRUE if mutation appears in a tupple row/mut
		# annotated_mutations contains empty rows with only the origin (needed for the distance matrix)
		# Empty rows are readed as mutations but make the matrix bug. The subsetting is made to escape
		# their column without removing theire line. At the end, we replace NA value (those line without
		# muts) by FALSE
		m_muts <- matrix(nrow = length(unique(annotated_mutations$origin)),
						 ncol = length(unique(annotated_mutations$ID[!is.na(annotated_mutations$ID)])))
		rownames(m_muts) <- unique(annotated_mutations$origin)[1:length(unique(annotated_mutations$origin))]
		colnames(m_muts) <- unique(annotated_mutations$ID[!is.na(annotated_mutations$ID)])[1:length(unique(annotated_mutations$ID[!is.na(annotated_mutations$ID)]))]

		for(sample in unique(annotated_mutations$origin[!is.na(annotated_mutations$type_mut)])) {
			for(mut in unique(annotated_mutations$ID[!is.na(annotated_mutations$ID)])) {
				m_muts[sample,mut] <- ifelse(test = !is.na(sum(annotated_mutations$ID[annotated_mutations$origin==sample]==mut)),
											 yes = sum(annotated_mutations$ID[annotated_mutations$origin==sample]==mut) > 0,
											 no = FALSE)

		m_muts[is.na(m_muts)] <- FALSE

		## Matrix between each sample with 1 point if there is one difference of mutation
		widthus <- length(unique(annotated_mutations$origin))
		m_subklon <- matrix(nrow = widthus, ncol = widthus)
		rownames(m_subklon) <- unique(annotated_mutations$origin)[1:widthus]
		colnames(m_subklon) <- unique(annotated_mutations$origin)[1:widthus]

		for(rowus in 1:widthus)
			for(colus in 1:widthus)
				m_subklon[rowus,colus] <- sum(m_muts[rowus,] != m_muts[colus,])

		phylo_data <- ape::nj(m_subklon)

A-BN/QuasiKlon documentation built on May 28, 2019, 8:24 a.m.