
Defines functions rcm_logdetPsiPlusS_arma rcm_loglik_arma rcm_loglik_nu_arma rcm_em_step_arma lgammap logdet_arma corRcpp xcorRcpp corArma xcorArma corEigen xcorEigen cov2corArma covRcpp xcovRcpp covArma xcovArma covEigen xcovEigen pcorArma pcovArma pool pxcorArma pxcovArma rwishartArma rinvwishartArma

Documented in corArma corEigen corRcpp cov2corArma covArma covEigen covRcpp pool rcm_em_step_arma rcm_loglik_arma xcorArma xcorEigen xcorRcpp xcovArma xcovEigen xcovRcpp

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

rcm_logdetPsiPlusS_arma <- function(Psi, S_list) {
    .Call('_correlateR_rcm_logdetPsiPlusS_arma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', Psi, S_list)

#' The RCM log-likelihood function
#' Fast evaluation of the RCM log-likelihood function.
#' @param Psi A \code{p} times \code{p} numeric positive semi-definte matrix.
#' @param nu A numeric of length 1 giving the degrees of freedom.
#' @param S_list A \code{list} of scatter matrices of the same size as 
#'   \code{Psi} for each group.
#' @param ns A numeric of the same length as \code{S_list} giving the 
#'   number of samples in each group.
#' @return The value of the log-likelihood.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau <anders.ellern.bilgrau (at) gmail.com>
#' @examples
#' ns <-  c(5, 5, 5)
#' S <- createRCMData(ns = ns, psi = diag(4), nu = 30)
#' correlateR:::rcm_loglik_arma(Psi = diag(4), nu = 15, S_list = S, ns = ns)
#' @keywords internal
rcm_loglik_arma <- function(Psi, nu, S_list, ns) {
    .Call('_correlateR_rcm_loglik_arma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', Psi, nu, S_list, ns)

rcm_loglik_nu_arma <- function(logdetPsi, nu, logdetPsiPlusS, ns, p) {
    .Call('_correlateR_rcm_loglik_nu_arma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', logdetPsi, nu, logdetPsiPlusS, ns, p)

#' The RCM EM-step
#' A armadillo-based function to perform the E and M step in the 
#' EM algorithm of the RCM. This functions assumes \code{nu} to be fixed.
#' @param Psi A numeric matrix.
#' @param nu A numeric of length 1 giving the degrees of freedom in the RCM.
#' @param S_list A \code{list} of scatter matrices for each dataset/group
#'   of the same size a \code{Psi}.
#' @param ns A numeric vector the same lengths as \code{S_list} giving the
#'   number of samples for each dataset.
#' @return A numeric matrix the same size as \code{Psi} giving the updated
#'   \code{Psi}.
#' @examples
#' ns <-  c(5, 5, 5)
#' S <- createRCMData(ns = ns, psi = diag(4), nu = 30)
#' correlateR:::rcm_em_step_arma(Psi = diag(4), nu = 15, S_list = S, ns = ns)
#' @keywords internal 
rcm_em_step_arma <- function(Psi, nu, S_list, ns) {
    .Call('_correlateR_rcm_em_step_arma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', Psi, nu, S_list, ns)

lgammap <- function(x, p = 1L) {
    .Call('_correlateR_lgammap', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', x, p)

logdet_arma <- function(x) {
    .Call('_correlateR_logdet_arma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', x)

#' Marginal correlation matrix
#' Various workhorse functions to compute the marginal (or unconditional) 
#' correlations (and cross-correlation) estimates efficiently. 
#' They are (almost) 
#' equivalent implementations of \code{\link[stats]{cor}} in Rcpp, 
#' RcppArmadillo, and RcppEigen.
#' @rdname corFamily
#' @aliases corFamily
#'   corRcpp xcorRcpp corArma xcorArma corEigen xcorEigen
#' @param X A numeric matrix.
#' @param Y A numeric matrix of compatible dimension with the \code{X}, i.e. 
#'   \code{nrow(X)} equals \code{nrow(Y)}.
#' @return
#'   The \code{corXX} family returns a numeric correlation matrix of size 
#'   \code{ncol(X)} times \code{ncol(X)}.
#'   The \code{xcorXX} family returns a numeric cross-correlation matrix 
#'   of size \code{ncol(X)} times \code{ncol(Y)}.
#' @details
#'   Functions almost like \code{\link{cor}}.
#'   For the \code{xcorXX} functions, the \code{i}'th and \code{j}'th 
#'   entry of the output matrix is the correlation between \code{X[i, ]} and 
#'   \code{X[j, ]}.
#'   Likewise, for the \code{xcorXX} functions, the \code{i}'th and
#'   \code{j}'th entry of the output is the correlation between \code{X[i, ]} 
#'   and \code{Y[j, ]}.
#' @note 
#'   \code{NA}s in \code{X} or \code{Y} will yield \code{NA}s in the correlation matrix.
#'   This also includes the diagonal unlike the behavior of 
#'   \code{\link[stats]{cor}}.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau <anders.ellern.bilgrau (at) gmail.com>
#' @export
corRcpp <- function(X) {
    .Call('_correlateR_corRcpp', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X)

#' @rdname corFamily
#' @export
xcorRcpp <- function(X, Y) {
    .Call('_correlateR_xcorRcpp', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X, Y)

#' @rdname corFamily
#' @export
corArma <- function(X) {
    .Call('_correlateR_corArma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X)

#' @rdname corFamily
#' @export
xcorArma <- function(X, Y) {
    .Call('_correlateR_xcorArma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X, Y)

#' @rdname corFamily
#' @export
corEigen <- function(X) {
    .Call('_correlateR_corEigen', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X)

#' @rdname corFamily
#' @export
xcorEigen <- function(X, Y) {
    .Call('_correlateR_xcorEigen', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X, Y)

#' Convert covariance matrix to correlation
#' This functions converts a covariance matrix \code{S} to a correlation matrix
#' fast and efficiently.
#' @rdname cov2cor
#' @aliases cov2cor
#' @param S A square covariance matrix.
#' @return A square correlation matrix.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau <anders.ellern.bilgrau (at) gmail.com>
#' @examples
#' X <- createData(n = 11, m = 4)
#' S <- cov(X)
#' stats::cov2cor(S)
#' cov2corArma(S)
#' if (require(microbenchmark)) {
#'   microbenchmark(A = cov2corArma(S),
#'                  B = stats::cov2cor(S),
#'                  C = cov2cor(S))
#' }
#' @export
cov2corArma <- function(S) {
    .Call('_correlateR_cov2corArma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', S)

#' Marginal covariance matrix
#' Various workhorse functions to compute the marginal (or unconditional)
#' covariance (and cross-covariance) estimates. The functions feature both the
#' maximum likelihood and the biased corrected estimates. They are (almost)
#' equivalent implementations of \code{\link[stats:cor]{cov}} (\code{stats::cov})
#' in Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, and RcppEigen.
#' @rdname covFamily
#' @aliases covFamily covRcpp xcovRcpp covArma xcovArma covEigen xcovEigen
#' @param X A numeric matrix.
#' @param Y A numeric matrix of compatible dimension with the \code{X}, i.e. 
#'   \code{nrow(X)} equals \code{nrow(Y)}.
#' @param norm_type an integer of length one giving the estimator. The 
#'   default \code{0L} gives the unbiased estimate while \code{1L} gives the 
#'   MLE.
#' @return
#'   The \code{cor}-family returns a numeric correlation matrix of size 
#'   \code{ncol(X)} times \code{ncol(X)}.
#'   The \code{xcor}-family returns a numeric cross-covariance matrix 
#'   of size \code{ncol(X)} times \code{ncol(Y)}.
#' @details
#'   Functions almost like \code{\link{cor}}.
#'   For the \code{xcorXX} functions, the \code{i}'th and \code{j}'th 
#'   entry of the output matrix is the correlation between \code{X[i, ]} and 
#'   \code{X[j, ]}.
#'   Likewise, for the \code{xcorXX} functions, the \code{i}'th and
#'   \code{j}'th entry of the output is the correlation between \code{X[i, ]} 
#'   and \code{Y[j, ]}.
#' @note 
#'   \code{NA}s in \code{X} or \code{Y} will yield \code{NA}s in the correlation matrix.
#'   This also includes the diagonal unlike the behavior of 
#'   \code{stats::cor(X)}.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau <anders.ellern.bilgrau (at) gmail.com>
#' @export
covRcpp <- function(X, norm_type = 0L) {
    .Call('_correlateR_covRcpp', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X, norm_type)

#' @rdname covFamily
#' @export
xcovRcpp <- function(X, Y, norm_type = 0L) {
    .Call('_correlateR_xcovRcpp', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X, Y, norm_type)

#' @rdname covFamily
#' @export
covArma <- function(X, norm_type = 0L) {
    .Call('_correlateR_covArma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X, norm_type)

#' @rdname covFamily
#' @export
xcovArma <- function(X, Y, norm_type = 0L) {
    .Call('_correlateR_xcovArma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X, Y, norm_type)

#' @rdname covFamily
#' @export
covEigen <- function(X, norm_type = 0L) {
    .Call('_correlateR_covEigen', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X, norm_type)

#' @rdname covFamily
#' @export
xcovEigen <- function(X, Y, norm_type = 0L) {
    .Call('_correlateR_xcovEigen', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X, Y, norm_type)

pcorArma <- function(X, z) {
    .Call('_correlateR_pcorArma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X, z)

pcovArma <- function(X, z) {
    .Call('_correlateR_pcovArma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X, z)

#' Pooled covariance from list of scatter matrices
#' @param S_list A list of scatter matrices.
#' @param nu A numeric vector giving the number of samples corresponding
#'   to each scatter matrix.
#' @param norm_type A integer of length one equaling \code{0} or \code{1}. 
#'   If \code{0} the bias correction is used. If \code{1} the ML estimate is 
#'   used.
#' @return A numeric matrix giving the pooled variance.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau
#' @keywords internal
pool <- function(S_list, ns, norm_type = 0L) {
    .Call('_correlateR_pool', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', S_list, ns, norm_type)

pxcorArma <- function(X, Y, Z) {
    .Call('_correlateR_pxcorArma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X, Y, Z)

pxcovArma <- function(X, Y, Z, norm_type = 0L) {
    .Call('_correlateR_pxcovArma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', X, Y, Z, norm_type)

rwishartArma <- function(n, sigma, nu) {
    .Call('_correlateR_rwishartArma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', n, sigma, nu)

rinvwishartArma <- function(n, psi, nu) {
    .Call('_correlateR_rinvwishartArma', PACKAGE = 'correlateR', n, psi, nu)
AEBilgrau/correlateR documentation built on Nov. 15, 2019, 9:21 a.m.