
#' @title Error Loop to Correct Final Correlation of Simulated Variables
#' @description This function corrects the final correlation of simulated variables to be within a precision value (\code{epsilon}) of the
#'     target correlation.  It updates the pairwise intermediate MVN correlation iteratively in a loop until either the maximum error
#'     is less than epsilon or the number of iterations exceeds the maximum number set by the user (\code{maxit}).  It uses
#'     \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{error_vars}} to simulate all variables and calculate the correlation of all variables in each
#'     iteration.  This function would not ordinarily be called directly by the user.  The function is a
#'     modification of  Barbiero & Ferrari's \code{\link[GenOrd]{ordcont}} function in \code{\link[GenOrd]{GenOrd-package}}.
#'     The \code{\link[GenOrd]{ordcont}} has been modified in the following ways:
#'     1) It works for continuous, ordinal (r >= 2 categories), and count variables.
#'     2) The initial correlation check has been removed because this intermediate correlation
#'     Sigma from \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{rcorrvar}} or \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{rcorrvar2}} has already been
#'     checked for positive-definiteness and used to generate variables.
#'     3) Eigenvalue decomposition is done on \code{Sigma} to impose the correct interemdiate correlations on the normal variables.
#'     If \code{Sigma} is not positive-definite, the negative eigen values are replaced with 0.
#'     4) The final positive-definite check has been removed.
#'     5) The intermediate correlation update function was changed to accommodate more situations.
#'     6) A final "fail-safe" check was added at the end of the iteration loop where if the absolute
#'     error between the final and target pairwise correlation is still > 0.1, the intermediate correlation is set
#'     equal to the target correlation (if \code{extra_correct} = "TRUE").
#'     7) Allowing specifications for the sample size and the seed for reproducibility.
#' @param k_cat the number of ordinal (r >= 2 categories) variables
#' @param k_cont the number of continuous variables
#' @param k_pois the number of Poisson variables
#' @param k_nb the number of Negative Binomial variables
#' @param Y_cat the ordinal variables generated from \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{rcorrvar}} or \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{rcorrvar2}}
#' @param Y the continuous (mean 0, variance 1) variables
#' @param Yb the continuous variables with desired mean and variance
#' @param Y_pois the Poisson variables
#' @param Y_nb the Negative Binomial variables
#' @param marginal a list of length equal \code{k_cat}; the i-th element is a vector of the cumulative
#'     probabilities defining the marginal distribution of the i-th variable;
#'     if the variable can take r values, the vector will contain r - 1 probabilities (the r-th is assumed to be 1)
#' @param support a list of length equal \code{k_cat}; the i-th element is a vector of containing the r
#'     ordered support values; if not provided, the default is for the i-th element to be the vector 1, ..., r
#' @param method the method used to generate the continuous variables.  "Fleishman" uses a third-order polynomial transformation
#'     and "Polynomial" uses Headrick's fifth-order transformation.
#' @param means a vector of means for the continuous variables
#' @param vars a vector of variances
#' @param constants a matrix with \code{k_cont} rows, each a vector of constants c0, c1, c2, c3 (if \code{method} = "Fleishman") or
#'     c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 (if \code{method} = "Polynomial"), like that returned by
#'     \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{find_constants}}
#' @param lam a vector of lambda (> 0) constants for the Poisson variables (see \code{\link[stats]{Poisson}})
#' @param size a vector of size parameters for the Negative Binomial variables (see \code{\link[stats]{NegBinomial}})
#' @param prob a vector of success probability parameters
#' @param mu a vector of mean parameters (*Note: either \code{prob} or \code{mu} should be supplied for all Negative Binomial variables,
#'     not a mixture)
#' @param n the sample size
#' @param seed the seed value for random number generation
#' @param epsilon the maximum acceptable error between the final and target correlation matrices;
#'     smaller epsilons take more time
#' @param maxit the maximum number of iterations to use to find the intermediate correlation; the
#'     correction loop stops when either the iteration number passes \code{maxit} or \code{epsilon} is reached
#' @param rho0 the target correlation matrix
#' @param Sigma the intermediate correlation matrix previously used in \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{rcorrvar}}
#'     or \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{rcorrvar2}}
#' @param rho_calc the final correlation matrix calculated in \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{rcorrvar}}
#'     or \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{rcorrvar2}}
#' @param extra_correct if "TRUE", a final "fail-safe" check is used at the end of the iteration loop where if the absolute
#'     error between the final and target pairwise correlation is still > 0.1, the intermediate correlation is set
#'     equal to the target correlation
#' @export
#' @keywords error, correlation
#' @seealso \code{\link[GenOrd]{ordcont}}, \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{rcorrvar}}, \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{rcorrvar2}},
#'     \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{findintercorr}}, \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{findintercorr2}}
#' @return A list with the following components:
#' @return \code{Sigma} the intermediate MVN correlation matrix resulting from the error loop
#' @return \code{rho_calc} the calculated final correlation matrix generated from Sigma
#' @return \code{Y_cat} the ordinal variables
#' @return \code{Y} the continuous (mean 0, variance 1) variables
#' @return \code{Yb} the continuous variables with desired mean and variance
#' @return \code{Y_pois} the Poisson variables
#' @return \code{Y_nb} the Negative Binomial variables
#' @return \code{niter} a matrix containing the number of iterations required for each variable pair
#' @references
#' Barbiero A, Ferrari PA (2015). GenOrd: Simulation of Discrete Random Variables with Given
#'     Correlation Matrix and Marginal Distributions. R package version 1.4.0. \url{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=GenOrd}
#' Ferrari PA, Barbiero A (2012). Simulating ordinal data. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 47(4): 566-589.
#'     \doi{10.1080/00273171.2012.692630}.
#' Fleishman AI (1978). A Method for Simulating Non-normal Distributions. Psychometrika, 43, 521-532. \doi{10.1007/BF02293811}.
#' Headrick TC (2002). Fast Fifth-order Polynomial Transforms for Generating Univariate and Multivariate
#'     Non-normal Distributions. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 40(4):685-711. \doi{10.1016/S0167-9473(02)00072-5}.
#'     (\href{http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167947302000725}{ScienceDirect})
#' Headrick TC (2004). On Polynomial Transformations for Simulating Multivariate Nonnormal Distributions.
#'     Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 3(1), 65-71. \doi{10.22237/jmasm/1083370080}.
#' Headrick TC, Kowalchuk RK (2007). The Power Method Transformation: Its Probability Density Function, Distribution
#'     Function, and Its Further Use for Fitting Data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 77, 229-249. \doi{10.1080/10629360600605065}.
#' Headrick TC, Sawilowsky SS (1999). Simulating Correlated Non-normal Distributions: Extending the Fleishman Power
#'     Method. Psychometrika, 64, 25-35. \doi{10.1007/BF02294317}.
#' Headrick TC, Sheng Y, & Hodis FA (2007). Numerical Computing and Graphics for the Power Method Transformation Using
#'     Mathematica. Journal of Statistical Software, 19(3), 1 - 17. \doi{10.18637/jss.v019.i03}.
#' Higham N (2002). Computing the nearest correlation matrix - a problem from finance; IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 22: 329-343.
error_loop <- function(k_cat, k_cont, k_pois, k_nb, Y_cat, Y, Yb, Y_pois, Y_nb,
                       marginal, support, method, means, vars, constants,
                       lam, size, prob, mu, n, seed, epsilon, maxit, rho0,
                       Sigma, rho_calc, extra_correct) {
  k <- k_cat + k_cont + k_pois + k_nb
  niter <- matrix(0, k, k)
  Sigmaold <- Sigma
  for (q in 1:(k - 1)) {
    for (r in (q + 1):k) {
      if (rho0[q, r] == 0) {
        Sigma[q, r] <- 0
      } else {
        it <- 0
        while (abs(rho_calc[q, r] - rho0[q, r]) > epsilon & (it < maxit)) {
          if (rho0[q, r] * (rho0[q, r]/rho_calc[q, r]) <= -1) {
            Sigma[q, r] <- Sigmaold[q, r] *
              (1 + 0.1 * (1 - Sigmaold[q, r]) *
                 -sign(rho0[q, r] - rho_calc[q, r]))
          if (rho0[q, r] * (rho0[q, r]/rho_calc[q, r]) >= 1) {
            Sigma[q, r] <- Sigmaold[q, r] *
              (1 + 0.1 * (1 - Sigmaold[q, r]) *
                 sign(rho0[q, r] - rho_calc[q, r]))
          if ((rho0[q, r] * (rho0[q, r]/rho_calc[q, r]) > -1) &
              (rho0[q, r] * (rho0[q, r]/rho_calc[q, r]) < 1)) {
            Sigma[q, r] <- Sigmaold[q, r] * (rho0[q, r]/rho_calc[q, r])
          Sigma[r, q] <- Sigma[q, r]
          EV <- error_vars(marginal = marginal, support = support,
                           method = method, means = means, vars = vars,
                           constants = constants, lam = lam,
                           size = size, prob = prob, mu = mu,
                           Sigma = Sigma, rho_calc = rho_calc, q = q,
                           r = r, k_cat = k_cat, k_cont = k_cont,
                           k_pois = k_pois, k_nb = k_nb, Y_cat = Y_cat,
                           Y = Y, Yb = Yb, Y_pois = Y_pois, Y_nb = Y_nb,
                           n = n, seed = seed)
          Sigma <- EV$Sigma
          rho_calc <- EV$rho_calc
          Y_cat <- EV$Y_cat
          Y <- EV$Y
          Yb <- EV$Yb
          Y_pois <- EV$Y_pois
          Y_nb <- EV$Y_nb
          Sigmaold <- Sigma
          it <- it + 1
        if (extra_correct == TRUE) {
          if (it > maxit & (abs(rho_calc[q, r] - rho0[q, r])) > 0.1) {
            Sigma[q, r] <- Sigma[r, q] <- rho0[q, r]
            EV <- error_vars(marginal = marginal, support = support,
                             method = method, means = means, vars = vars,
                             constants = constants, lam = lam,
                             size = size, prob = prob, mu = mu,
                             Sigma = Sigma, rho_calc = rho_calc, q = q,
                             r = r, k_cat = k_cat, k_cont = k_cont,
                             k_pois = k_pois, k_nb = k_nb, Y_cat = Y_cat,
                             Y = Y, Yb = Yb, Y_pois = Y_pois, Y_nb = Y_nb,
                             n = n, seed = seed)
            Sigma <- EV$Sigma
            rho_calc <- EV$rho_calc
            Y_cat <- EV$Y_cat
            Y <- EV$Y
            Yb <- EV$Yb
            Y_pois <- EV$Y_pois
            Y_nb <- EV$Y_nb
        niter[q, r] <- it
        niter[r, q] <- it
  rho_calc <- cor(cbind(Y_cat, Yb, Y_pois, Y_nb))
  return(list(Sigma = Sigma, rho_calc = rho_calc, Y_cat = Y_cat, Y = Y,
              Yb = Yb, Y_pois = Y_pois, Y_nb = Y_nb, niter = niter))
AFialkowski/SimMultiCorrData documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:34 p.m.