Man pages for AMUFacultyOfEnglish/ENRanalytics
A package facilitating common E&R data processing tasks

boot_ciCompute confidence interval
boot_ci_parallelCompute confidence interval by Mikolaj Olszewski (using...
build_enr_reportFunction which bulid template for ENR report
cat_colors20 different color - categorical group. It is useful with...
createCustomDtCreate DT table with formattable options.
create_enr_projectCreate a new ENR project.
datatable_enrCreate datatable in ENR style
div_colors11 different color - diverging group (from Red to Blue). It...
draw_scale_manualChange color from categorical colors to diverging/sequential...
draw_scale_numericManipulate value of text in given axis.
enr_reportTemplate for ENR report
geom_iecdfcreate a plot with inverse empirical cumulative distribution...
get_html_dataCreate HTML format data. Useful with datable_enr function.
legend_enrE&R legend - put legend inside a plot.
load_enr_fontsDownload OpenSans fonts
mean_readabilityFunction that calculates readability index given link to the...
notifyNotify when a function was executed
pair_colors6 pair colors - It is useful with work with scatterplot,...
p_colors4 different colors - Pearson colors
p_colors28 different colors - Pearson colors (second palette)
publishPublish file or folder on kvm1 server
quar_colors4 quartet colors - It is useful with work with scatterplot,...
samplerDraw sample with replace = T
save_plotFunction for saving a plot.
save_plot2Function for saving a plot in pdf and png format at once.
save_plot_gridFunction for saving a plot (when it is not ggobject).
seq_colors9 different colors - sequential group (Blue gradient). It is...
theme_enrE&R theme for all plots in presentation
theme_peruPERU theme for all plots in presentation
trio_colors6 trio colors - It is useful with work with scatterplot,...
AMUFacultyOfEnglish/ENRanalytics documentation built on May 5, 2019, 11:36 a.m.