
#' ped_osm_id
#' Get OSM IDs nearest to pedestrian count points
#' @param net Weighted street network; loaded from `data_dir` if not provided
#' @param data_dir The directory in which data are to be, or have previously
#' been, downloaded.
#' @param quiet If `FALSE`, display progress information on screen
#' @return A `data.frame` of pedestrian counts, associated spatial coordinates,
#' and OSM IDs of nearest points on network
#' @export
ped_osm_id <- function (data_dir, net = NULL, quiet = FALSE)
    f <- file.path (data_dir, "calibration", "ped-osm-id.Rds")
    if (file.exists (f))
        xy <- readRDS (f)
        p <- nyped_data (quiet = quiet)
        xy <- data.frame (sf::st_coordinates (p$geometry))

        if (is.null (net))
            net <- get_ny_network (data_dir)

        v <- dodgr::dodgr_vertices (net)
        xy$id <- v$id [dodgr::match_points_to_graph (v, xy)]
        xy$weekday <- p$weekday
        xy$weekend <- p$weekend
        xy$week <- p$week

        # There are 2 counters which map on to the same OSM ID, so:
        id <- names (table (xy$id) [which (table (xy$id) == 2)])
        index <- which (xy$id == id)
        i <- which.max (xy$week [index])
        xy$weekday [index [i]] <- sum (xy$weekday [index])
        xy$weekend [index [i]] <- sum (xy$weekend [index])
        xy$week [index [i]] <- sum (xy$week [index])
        index <- seq (nrow (xy)) [!seq (nrow (xy)) %in% index [-i]]
        xy <- xy [index, ]

        saveRDS (xy, file = f)

    return (xy)

get_ny_network <- function (data_dir)
    f <- file.path (data_dir, "osm", "ny-hw.Rds")
    hw <- readRDS (f)
    dodgr::dodgr_cache_off ()
    dodgr::weight_streetnet (hw, wt_profile = "foot")

#' subway_osm_id
#' Get OSM IDs nearest to subway count points
#' @param net Weighted street network; loaded from `data_dir` if not provided
#' @param data_dir The directory in which data are to be, or have previously
#' been, downloaded.
#' @param sub_exits Calculate layer from subway exits (`TRUE`), or just from
#' single points denoting subway stations (`FALSE`)?
#' @param quiet If `FALSE`, display progress information on screen
#' @return A `data.frame` of pedestrian counts, associated spatial coordinates,
#' and OSM IDs of nearest points on network
#' @export
subway_osm_id <- function (data_dir, net = NULL, sub_exits = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)
    f <- file.path (data_dir, "calibration")
    if (sub_exits)
        f <- file.path (f, "sub-exit-osm-id.Rds")
        f <- file.path (f, "sub-osm-id.Rds")

    if (file.exists (f))
        s <- readRDS (f)
        if (is.null (net))
            net <- get_ny_network (data_dir)

        s <- nysubway_data (quiet = quiet, sub_exits = sub_exits)
        s$count <- round (s$count / 365) # convert to daily counts
        sxy <- sf::st_coordinates (s$geom)
        v <- dodgr::dodgr_vertices (net)
        s$id <- v$id [dodgr::match_points_to_graph (v, sxy)]
        s <- s [which (s$id %in% v$id), ]

        saveRDS (s, file = f)
    return (s)

#' cut_network_to_pts
#' Cut the New York City street network into portions surrounding each
#' pedestrian counting point.
#' @param net Weighted street network; loaded from `data_dir` if not provided
#' @param k Exponential decay parameter to be used in spatial interaction
#' models. This deterines the radius at which to cut the network.
#' @param p Pedestrian counts including OSM IDs of nearest points, as returned
#' from \link{ped_osm_id}.
#' @param data_dir The directory in which data are to be, or have previously
#' been, downloaded - only needed if `p` is not provided.
#' @export
cut_network_to_pts <- function (net, k = 1000, p = NULL, data_dir)
    if (is.null (p))
        p <- ped_osm_id (data_dir)

    dlim <- k * 12 # equivalent to point at which exp(-d/k) <= 1e-12

    # set up parallel job over origin points
    message (cli::symbol$pointer, " Setting up parallel job ", appendLF = FALSE)
    no_cores <- parallel::detectCores () - 1
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster (no_cores)
    parallel::clusterExport (cl, c ("net", "dlim", "data_dir"),
                             envir = environment ())
    message ("\r", cli::symbol$tick, " Successfully set up parallel job ")

    message (cli::symbol$pointer, " Cutting into ", nrow (p), " components")
    st0 <- Sys.time ()
    chk <- parallel::parLapply (cl, p$id, function (i) {
        res <- dodgr::dodgr_isoverts (net, from = i, dlim = dlim)
        index <- which (net$.vx0 %in% res$id | net$.vx1 %in% res$id)
        net_cut <- net [index, ]
        attr (net_cut, "k") <- k
        nm <- file.path (data_dir, "osm", "ny-cut",
                         paste0 ("ny-hw", i, ".Rds"))
        saveRDS (net_cut, nm)

    parallel::stopCluster (cl)

    st <- as.numeric (difftime (Sys.time (), st0, units = "secs"))
    message ("\r", cli::symbol$tick, " Successfully cut network into ",
             nrow (p), " components in ",
             formatC (st, format = "f", digits = 1), "s")
ATFutures/nyped documentation built on Jan. 20, 2020, 10:04 p.m.