Man pages for ATLi2001/titancna
Subclonal copy number and LOH prediction from whole genome sequencing of tumours

computeSDbwIndexCompute the S_Dbw Validity Index for 'TitanCNA' model...
correctCNCompute purity and ploidy corrected log ratios; recompute...
correctReadDepthCorrect GC content and mappability biases in sequencing data...
filterDataFilter list object based on read depth and missing data and...
getPositionOverlapFunction to assign values to given chromosome-position that...
haplotypeFunction to load tumour allele counts from a text file or...
loadAlleleCountsFunction to load tumour allele counts from a text file or...
loadDefaultParametersLoad TITAN parameters
runEMclonalCNFunction to run the Expectation Maximization Algorithm in...
TitanCNA-datasetTITAN EM trained results for an example dataset
TitanCNA-outputFormatting and printing 'TitanCNA' results.
TitanCNA-packageTITAN: Subclonal copy number and LOH prediction whole genome...
TitanCNA-plottingPlotting functions for 'TitanCNA' results.
viterbiClonalCNFunction to run the Viterbi algorithm for 'TitanCNA'.
wigToRangedDataWIG Import Functions
ATLi2001/titancna documentation built on May 17, 2019, 10:16 a.m.