ggMAplot: A ggplot wrapper to produce MAplots.

View source: R/ggMAplot.R

ggMAplotR Documentation

A ggplot wrapper to produce MAplots.


A ggplot wrapper for MA-plots and Volcanos


  pval = NULL,
  labels = NULL,
  xval.thresh = NULL,
  yval.thresh = 0,
  pval.thresh = 0.05,
  col.base = "grey50",
  col.up = "firebrick",
  col.down = "darkblue",
  point.size = 2,
  point.alpha = 0.75,
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  Up = "Up",
  Down = "Down",
  NonSig = "NonSig",
  title = waiver(),
  subtitle = waiver(),
  x.ablines = NULL,
  x.ablines.col = "black",
  x.ablines.lty = "dashed",
  y.ablines = NULL,
  y.ablines.col = "black",
  y.ablines.lty = "dashed",
  quantiles.x = c(0, 1),
  quantiles.y = c(1e-04, 0.9999),
  preset = c("maplot", "volcano"),
  no.legend = FALSE,
  legend.position = "bottom",
  legend.addnumbers = TRUE, = FALSE



a vector with values for the x-axis, usually average expression in MAs and log fold-change in Volcanos


a vector with values for the y-axis, usually log fold-change in MAs and -log10(padj) in Volcanos


a vector with pvalues-like values. Points below the pval.thresh will be highlighted with color


a vector of equal length containing per-point labels (e.g. the gene names) which then can be used downstream to label the points, see examples and details


absolute threshold value for x-axis values to be color-highlighted, see details


absolute threshold value for y-axis values to be color-highlighted, see details


threshold for pvalues, see details


the base color for the data points, will also be used to color non-significant points


use this color for points classified as "Up", see details


use this color for points classified as "Down", see details


size of data points


point opacity


x-axis label, if NULl then defaults to "baseMean" for MA-plots and "log2FoldChange" for Volcanos


y-axis label, if NULl then defaults to "log2FoldChange" for MA-plots and "-log10(padj)" for Volcanos


xaxis limits, by default full data range


yaxis limits, by default the 0.001th and 0.999th quantile of the data range, see details


legend label for points being "Up"


legend label for points being "Down"


legend label for points being "NonSig"


main title text


subtitle text


a vector with numeric values, will use to draw vertical ablines


color of x.ablines


line type of x.ablines


a vector with numeric values, will use to draw horizontal ablines


color of y.ablines


line type of y.ablines


use these quantiles of the xaxis data range to determine automatic axis limits, see details


use these quantiles of the yaxis data range to determine automatic axis limits, see details


the type of plot, "maplot" by default, or "volcano" to make a volcano plot, see examples


logical, whether to remove the legend


legend positon, one of left/right/top/bottom


logical, whether to add the number of Up/Down/NonSig genes to the legend

logical, whether to return the long-form data.frame that was sed for plotting. In this case the output is a list with elements "plot" and "data".


=> towards xval.thresh/yval.threshold/pval.threshold
We assume a typical differential expression results table, so with log fold-changes, average expression values (baseMean) and some kind of p-values. We can trigger color-highlighting of significant genes if a p-value is provided to the function. For MA-plots points below this pval.thresh will then be classified as "Up" if yval > yval.thresh which is usually the fold change in MA-plots, or "Down" if < yval.thresh, or "NonSig" if > pval.thresh. xval.thresh is turned off by default for MA-plots but if a threshold is provided then only points with xval > xval.thresh will be considered for the classification. In preset="volcano" the yval.thresh is ignored as the yaxis is simply -log10(pval), therefore one should use pval.thresh for filtering.

=> towards quantiles.x/y
By default in MA-plot mode the yaxis (fold changes) is automatically scaled to avoid overly wide limits due to outliers. The 0.0001th and 0.9999th quantile of the yvals is used to set the limits. Points beyond these limits will be trimmed back to these exact limits and displayed as trianges rather than dots. The user can set custom quantiles or simply use an explicit xlim or ylim value to manually set axis limits. The automatic axis limit setting can be turned off by setting quantiles.x or quantiles.y t0 c(0,1). If xlim or ylim are provided then any quantile parameters will be overwritten.

=> towards labels
The user can provide a vector of gene names via labels which is then internally added to the ggplot object. That allows to manually label data points e.g. with ggrepel. We do not have an in-built option for labeling points in order to avoid overly many options, and (based on our experience) adding labels to plots with many data points anyway requires custom tweaking to produce a "good-looking" plot. It can be done via e.g. ggrepel::geom_text_repel() without much effort though, see last example. Basically, one uses an ifelse statement that returns the gene name if it is to be plotted or an empty string if not. The label is then added to the data.frame that is passed to ggplot, so one simply has to add "+ geom_label_repel" in order to plot the label. One can then add ggrepel options at will, e.g. nudge_x/y to increase connector length.


Alexander Toenges


dds <- DESeq2::DESeq(DESeq2::makeExampleDESeqDataSet(5000,10))
res <- DESeq2::results(dds) %>% data.frame %>% na.omit
res$padj <- res$pvalue
theme_set(theme_classic(base_size = 12.5))

# a standard MA-plot 
ggMAplot(xval = res$baseMean, yval = res$log2FoldChange, pval = res$padj,
title = "MA-plot", subtitle = "most basic version")

# with an abline at abs(log2(1.5)) and at 0:
ggMAplot(xval = res$baseMean, yval = res$log2FoldChange, pval = res$padj,
y.ablines = c(log2(1.5),-log2(1.5)), title = "MA-plot", subtitle = "with some ablines")

#/ show only from -2 to 2 on the y-axis, points beyond the limits will be printed as triangles:
ggMAplot(xval = res$baseMean, yval = res$log2FoldChange, pval = res$padj,
y.ablines = c(log2(1.5),-log2(1.5)), title = "MA-plot", subtitle = "with ablines and restricted at the y-axis to -2/+2",

# as Volcano:
ggMAplot(xval = res$log2FoldChange, yval = -log10(res$padj), pval = res$padj,
title = "Volcano", subtitle = "most basic version", preset = "volcano")

# Volcano with only abs(logFC) > 2 colored
ggMAplot(xval = res$log2FoldChange, yval = -log10(res$padj), pval = res$padj,
title = "Volcano", subtitle = "with some ablines", preset = "volcano", xval.thresh=2,

# Label significant regions, threshold padj<0.001 & abs(log2FoldChange) > log2(2).
# Note that for the \code{labels} option we make a custom vector, same order as for the
# xval/yval/pval vectors, setting those genes we do **not** want to plot as \code{""}.
# It is now on the user to tweak the number of genes to label and to play with \code{max.overlaps}
# in \code{geom_text_repel} until the plot looks satisfying.
ggMAplot(xval = res$log2FoldChange, yval = -log10(res$padj), pval = res$padj,
labels=ifelse(res$padj < 0.001 & abs(res$log2FoldChange) > log2(2), rownames(res), ""),
title = "Volcano", subtitle = "with padj < 0.001 labelled", preset = "volcano", xval.thresh=log2(2)) +
geom_label_repel(show.legend=FALSE, max.overlaps=20, min.segment.length=0, nudge_x=1, nudge_y=-1)

# or only gene number 1, see also for many options to customize ggrepel:
ggMAplot(xval = res$log2FoldChange, yval = -log10(res$padj), pval = res$padj,
labels=ifelse(rownames(res) == "gene1", rownames(res), ""),
title = "Volcano", subtitle = "with specific genes labelled", preset = "volcano", xval.thresh=log2(2)) +
geom_label_repel(aes(label=labels), show.legend=FALSE, min.segment.length=0, nudge_x=-1)

ATpoint/vizzy documentation built on Dec. 15, 2022, 5:01 p.m.