get_FN125_Lamprey: Get FN125_Lam - Lamprey Wound data from FN_Portal API

View source: R/get_FN125_Lamprey.R

get_FN125_LampreyR Documentation

Get FN125_Lam - Lamprey Wound data from FN_Portal API


This function accesses the api endpoint to for FN125Lam records. FN125Lam records contain information about the individual lamprey wounds observed on a sampled fish.Historically, lamprey wounds were reported as a single field (XLAM) in the FN125 table. In the early 2000 the great lakes fishery community agreed to capture lamprey wounding data in a more consistent fashion the basin, using the conventions described in Ebener et al. 2006. The FN125Lam table captures data from individual lamprey wounds collected using those conventions. A sampled fish with no observed wound will have a single record in this table (with lamijc value of 0), while fish with lamprey wounds, will have one record for every observed wound. This function takes an optional filter list which can be used to return records based on several different attributes of the wound (wound type, degree of healing, and wound size) as well as, attributes of the sampled fish such as the species, or group code, or attributes of the effort, the sample, or the project(s) that the samples were collected in.


get_FN125_Lamprey(filter_list = list(), show_id = FALSE, to_upper = TRUE)





When 'FALSE', the default, the 'id' and 'slug' fields are hidden from the data frame. To return these columns as part of the data frame, use 'show_id = TRUE'.

  • should the names of the dataframe be converted to upper case?


Use show_filters("fn125lamprey") to see the full list of available filter keys (query parameters). Refer to and filter by "fn125lamprey" for additional information.




Adam Cottrill


fn125Lam <- get_FN125_Lamprey(list(lake = "ON", spc = "081", grtp = "GL"))

fn125Lam <- get_FN125_Lamprey(list(
  lake = "SU", spc = "081", year__gte = 2015,
  lamijc_type = c("A1", "A2", "A3")

filters <- list(
  lake = "SU",
  prj_cd = c("LSA_IA15_CIN", "LSA_IA17_CIN"),
  eff = "051",
  spc = "091"
fn125Lam <- get_FN125_Lamprey(filters)

filters <- list(lake = "HU", spc = "076", grp = "55")
fn125Lam <- get_FN125_Lamprey(filters)
fn125Lam <- get_FN125_Lamprey(filters, show_id = TRUE)

AdamCottrill/glfishr documentation built on Aug. 9, 2024, 5:47 p.m.