get_tfat_encounters: Get TFAT Tag Encounters

View source: R/get_tfat_encounters.R

get_tfat_encountersR Documentation

Get TFAT Tag Encounters


This function accesses the TFAT api endpoint for tag encounters - sampling events were tags were either applied or re-captured during OMNR field projects. (excluding CWTs). The TFAT encounter information contains all of the information required to analyze tagging data, but they are not the definitive record for biological samples, and do not contain any information about other fish caught in the same sampling event. See Project Tracker for more information about tagging projects and FN_Portal(and other master databases) to access the complete dataset.


get_tfat_encounters(filter_list = list())





This function takes an optional filter list which can be used to return records based on several attributes of the tagged fish such as species, size, sex, or maturity, the tag attributes such as colour, placement, tag type, or tag status (either tagged or recovered), or attributes of the projects in which the encounters occurred such as lake or year the projects were run.




Adam Cottrill


# fish that had tags on capture in Lake Huron between 2012 and 2014
encounters <- get_tfat_encounters(list(
  lake = "HU", year__gte = 2012, year__lte =
    2014, tagstat = "C"

# Fish that were sampled in Lake Superior and had yellow OMNR tag applied,
# or had a yellow omnr tag on applied
filters <- list(lake = "SU", tagdoc__endswith = "012", tag_stat = "A")
encounters <- get_tfat_encounters(filters)

# recovered walleye or musky
filters <- list(spc = c("334", "132"), tagstat = "C", year__gte = 2015, year__lte = 2016)
encounters <- get_tfat_encounters(filters)

AdamCottrill/glfishr documentation built on Aug. 9, 2024, 5:47 p.m.