
Defines functions AutoH2OMLScoring

Documented in AutoH2OMLScoring

# AutoQuant is a package for quickly creating high quality visualizations under a common and easy api.
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# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
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#' @title AutoH2OMLScoring
#' @description AutoH2OMLScoring is an automated scoring function that compliments the AutoH2oGBM__() and AutoH2oDRF__() models training functions. This function requires you to supply features for scoring. It will run ModelDataPrep()to prepare your features for H2O data conversion and scoring.
#' @author Adrian Antico
#' @family Automated Model Scoring
#' @param ScoringData This is your data.table of features for scoring. Can be a single row or batch.
#' @param ModelObject Supply a model object from AutoH2oDRF__()
#' @param ModelType Set to either "mojo" or "standard" depending on which version you saved
#' @param H2OStartUp Defaults to TRUE which means H2O will be started inside the function
#' @param H2OShutdown Set to TRUE to shutdown H2O inside the function.
#' @param MaxMem Set to you dedicated amount of memory. E.g. "28G"
#' @param NThreads Default set to max(1, parallel::detectCores()-2)
#' @param JavaOptions Change the default to your machines specification if needed. Default is '-Xmx1g -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=256m',
#' @param ModelPath Supply your path file used in the AutoH2o__() function
#' @param ModelID Supply the model ID used in the AutoH2o__() function
#' @param ReturnFeatures Set to TRUE to return your features with the predicted values.
#' @param TransformNumeric Set to TRUE if you have features that were transformed automatically from an Auto__Regression() model AND you haven't already transformed them.
#' @param BackTransNumeric Set to TRUE to generate back-transformed predicted values. Also, if you return features, those will also be back-transformed.
#' @param TargetColumnName Input your target column name used in training if you are utilizing the transformation service
#' @param TransformationObject Set to NULL if you didn't use transformations or if you want the function to pull from the file output from the Auto__Regression() function. You can also supply the transformation data.table object with the transformation details versus having it pulled from file.
#' @param TransID Set to the ID used for saving the transformation data.table object or set it to the ModelID if you are pulling from file from a build with Auto__Regression().
#' @param TransPath Set the path file to the folder where your transformation data.table detail object is stored. If you used the Auto__Regression() to build, set it to the same path as ModelPath.
#' @param MDP_Impute Set to TRUE if you did so for modeling and didn't do so before supplying ScoringData in this function
#' @param MDP_CharToFactor Set to TRUE to turn your character columns to factors if you didn't do so to your ScoringData that you are supplying to this function
#' @param MDP_RemoveDates Set to TRUE if you have date of timestamp columns in your ScoringData
#' @param MDP_MissFactor If you set MDP_Impute to TRUE, supply the character values to replace missing values with
#' @param MDP_MissNum If you set MDP_Impute to TRUE, supply a numeric value to replace missing values with
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Preds <- AutoH2OMLScoring(
#'   ScoringData = data,
#'   ModelObject = NULL,
#'   ModelType = "mojo",
#'   H2OShutdown = TRUE,
#'   H2OStartUp = TRUE,
#'   MaxMem = {gc();paste0(as.character(floor(as.numeric(system("awk '/MemFree/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo", intern=TRUE)) / 1000000)),"G")},
#'   NThreads = max(1, parallel::detectCores()-2),
#'   JavaOptions = '-Xmx1g -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=256m',
#'   ModelPath = normalizePath("./"),
#'   ModelID = "ModelTest",
#'   ReturnFeatures = TRUE,
#'   TransformNumeric = FALSE,
#'   BackTransNumeric = FALSE,
#'   TargetColumnName = NULL,
#'   TransformationObject = NULL,
#'   TransID = NULL,
#'   TransPath = NULL,
#'   MDP_Impute = TRUE,
#'   MDP_CharToFactor = TRUE,
#'   MDP_RemoveDates = TRUE,
#'   MDP_MissFactor = "0",
#'   MDP_MissNum = -1)
#' }
#' @return A data.table of predicted values with the option to return model features as well.
#' @export
AutoH2OMLScoring <- function(ScoringData = NULL,
                             ModelObject = NULL,
                             ModelType = "mojo",
                             H2OShutdown = TRUE,
                             H2OStartUp = TRUE,
                             MaxMem = {gc();paste0(as.character(floor(as.numeric(system("awk '/MemFree/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo", intern=TRUE)) / 1000000)),"G")},
                             NThreads = max(1, parallel::detectCores()-2),
                             JavaOptions = '-Xmx1g -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=256m',
                             ModelPath = NULL,
                             ModelID = NULL,
                             ReturnFeatures = TRUE,
                             TransformNumeric = FALSE,
                             BackTransNumeric = FALSE,
                             TargetColumnName = NULL,
                             TransformationObject = NULL,
                             TransID = NULL,
                             TransPath = NULL,
                             MDP_Impute = TRUE,
                             MDP_CharToFactor = TRUE,
                             MDP_RemoveDates = TRUE,
                             MDP_MissFactor = "0",
                             MDP_MissNum = -1,
                             Debug = FALSE) {

  # Check arguments ----
  if(is.null(ScoringData)) stop("ScoringData cannot be NULL")
  if(!data.table::is.data.table(ScoringData)) data.table::setDT(ScoringData)
  if(!is.logical(MDP_Impute)) stop("MDP_Impute (ModelDataPrep) should be TRUE or FALSE")
  if(!is.logical(MDP_CharToFactor)) stop("MDP_CharToFactor (ModelDataPrep) should be TRUE or FALSE")
  if(!is.logical(MDP_RemoveDates)) stop("MDP_RemoveDates (ModelDataPrep) should be TRUE or FALSE")
  if(!is.character(MDP_MissFactor) && !is.factor(MDP_MissFactor)) stop("MDP_MissFactor should be a character or factor value")
  if(!is.numeric(MDP_MissNum)) stop("MDP_MissNum should be a numeric or integer value")

  # Pull In Transformation Object ----
  if(is.null(TransformationObject) && (TransformNumeric || BackTransNumeric)) {
    if(is.null(TargetColumnName)) stop("TargetColumnName needs to be supplied")
    TransformationObject <- data.table::fread(file.path(normalizePath(TransPath), paste0(TransID, "_transformation.csv")))

  # Apply Transform Numeric Variables ----
  if(!is.null(TransformationObject)) {
    if(TransformNumeric || BackTransNumeric) {
      tempTrans <- data.table::copy(TransformationObject)
      tempTrans <- tempTrans[ColumnName != eval(TargetColumnName)]
      ScoringData <- Rodeo::AutoTransformationScore(
        ScoringData = ScoringData,
        FinalResults = tempTrans,
        Type = "Apply",
        TransID = TransID,
        Path = TransPath)

  # Initialize H2O ----
  if(H2OStartUp && ModelType != "mojo") localHost <- h2o::h2o.init(nthreads = NThreads, max_mem_size = MaxMem, enable_assertions = FALSE)

  # ModelDataPrep Check ----
  ScoringData <- Rodeo::ModelDataPrep(data = ScoringData, Impute = MDP_Impute, CharToFactor = MDP_CharToFactor, RemoveDates = MDP_RemoveDates, MissFactor = MDP_MissFactor, MissNum = MDP_MissNum)

  # Initialize H2O Data Conversion ----
  if(!is.null(ModelType)) {
    if(!is.null(ModelObject) || tolower(ModelType) != "mojo") {
      ScoreData <- h2o::as.h2o(ScoringData)
    } else {
      ScoreData <- ScoringData

  # Make Predictions ----
  if(!is.null(ModelObject)) {
    if(Debug) {
    predict <- data.table::as.data.table(h2o::h2o.predict(object = ModelObject, newdata = ScoreData))
  } else {
    if(tolower(ModelType) == "mojo") {
      print("H2O Mojo Scoring Here")
      print(file.path(ModelPath, paste0(ModelID, ".zip")))
      predict <- data.table::as.data.table(
          frame = ScoreData,
          mojo_zip_path = file.path(ModelPath, paste0(ModelID, ".zip")),
          genmodel_jar_path = file.path(ModelPath, ModelID),
          java_options = JavaOptions))

    } else if(tolower(ModelType) == "standard") {
      model <- h2o::h2o.loadModel(path = file.path(ModelPath, ModelID))
      predict <- data.table::as.data.table(h2o::h2o.predict(object = model, newdata = ScoreData))

  # Change column name ----
  data.table::setnames(predict, "predict", "Predictions")

  # Shut down H2O----
  if(tolower(ModelType) != "mojo") if(H2OShutdown) try(h2o::h2o.shutdown(prompt = FALSE))

  # Merge features back on ----
  if(ReturnFeatures) predict <- cbind(predict, ScoringData)

  # Back Transform Numeric Variables ----
  if(BackTransNumeric) {

    # Make copy of TransformationResults ----
    grid_trans_results <- data.table::copy(TransformationObject)

    # Append record for Predicted Column ----
      i = which(grid_trans_results[["ColumnName"]] == eval(TargetColumnName)),
      j = "ColumnName",
      value = "Predictions")

    # Remove target variable ----
    grid_trans_results <- grid_trans_results[ColumnName != eval(TargetColumnName)]

    # Run Back-Transform ----
    predict <- Rodeo::AutoTransformationScore(
      ScoringData = predict,
      Type = "Inverse",
      FinalResults = grid_trans_results,
      TransID = NULL,
      Path = NULL)

  # Return data ----
AdrianAntico/ModelingTools documentation built on Aug. 20, 2024, 6:41 a.m.