AutoXGBoostClassifier: AutoXGBoostClassifier

View source: R/AutoXGBoostClassifier.R

AutoXGBoostClassifierR Documentation



AutoXGBoostClassifier is an automated XGBoost modeling framework with grid-tuning and model evaluation that runs a variety of steps. First, a stratified sampling (by the target variable) is done to create train and validation sets. Then, the function will run a random grid tune over N number of models and find which model is the best (a default model is always included in that set). Once the model is identified and built, several other outputs are generated: validation data with predictions, evaluation plot, evaluation boxplot, evaluation metrics, variable importance, partial dependence calibration plots, partial dependence calibration box plots, and column names used in model fitting.


  OutputSelection = c("Importances", "EvalPlots", "EvalMetrics", "Score_TrainData"),
  data = NULL,
  TrainOnFull = FALSE,
  ValidationData = NULL,
  TestData = NULL,
  TargetColumnName = NULL,
  FeatureColNames = NULL,
  WeightsColumnName = NULL,
  IDcols = NULL,
  model_path = NULL,
  metadata_path = NULL,
  SaveInfoToPDF = FALSE,
  ModelID = "FirstModel",
  EncodingMethod = "credibility",
  ReturnFactorLevels = TRUE,
  ReturnModelObjects = TRUE,
  SaveModelObjects = FALSE,
  Verbose = 0L,
  NumOfParDepPlots = 3L,
  NThreads = max(1L, parallel::detectCores() - 2L),
  LossFunction = "reg:logistic",
  CostMatrixWeights = c(0, 1, 1, 0),
  grid_eval_metric = "MCC",
  eval_metric = "auc",
  TreeMethod = "hist",
  GridTune = FALSE,
  BaselineComparison = "default",
  MaxModelsInGrid = 10L,
  MaxRunsWithoutNewWinner = 20L,
  MaxRunMinutes = 24L * 60L,
  PassInGrid = NULL,
  early_stopping_rounds = 100L,
  Trees = 1000L,
  num_parallel_tree = 1,
  eta = 0.3,
  max_depth = 9,
  min_child_weight = 1,
  subsample = 1,
  colsample_bytree = 1,
  DebugMode = FALSE,
  alpha = 0,
  lambda = 1



You can select what type of output you want returned. Choose from c("Importances", "EvalPlots", "EvalMetrics", "Score_TrainData")


This is your data set for training and testing your model


Set to TRUE to train on full data


This is your holdout data set used in modeling either refine your hyperparameters.


This is your holdout data set. Catboost using both training and validation data in the training process so you should evaluate out of sample performance with this data set.


Either supply the target column name OR the column number where the target is located (but not mixed types). Note that the target column needs to be a 0 | 1 numeric variable.


Either supply the feature column names OR the column number where the target is located (but not mixed types)


Supply a column name for your weights column. Leave NULL otherwise


A vector of column names or column numbers to keep in your data but not include in the modeling.


A character string of your path file to where you want your output saved


A character string of your path file to where you want your model evaluation output saved. If left NULL, all output will be saved to model_path.


Set to TRUE to save modeling information to PDF. If model_path or metadata_path aren't defined then output will be saved to the working directory


A character string to name your model and output


Choose from 'binary', 'm_estimator', 'credibility', 'woe', 'target_encoding', 'poly_encode', 'backward_difference', 'helmert'


TRUE or FALSE. Set to FALSE to not return factor levels.


Set to TRUE to output all modeling objects (E.g. plots and evaluation metrics)


Set to TRUE to return all modeling objects to your environment


Set to 0 if you want to suppress model evaluation updates in training


Tell the function the number of partial dependence calibration plots you want to create.


Set the maximum number of threads you'd like to dedicate to the model run. E.g. 8


Select from 'reg:logistic', "binary:logistic"


A vector with 4 elements c(True Positive Cost, False Negative Cost, False Positive Cost, True Negative Cost). Default c(1,0,0,1),


Case sensitive. I typically choose 'Utility' or 'MCC'. Choose from 'Utility', 'MCC', 'Acc', 'F1_Score', 'F2_Score', 'F0.5_Score', 'TPR', 'TNR', 'FNR', 'FPR', 'FDR', 'FOR', 'NPV', 'PPV', 'ThreatScore'


This is the metric used to identify best grid tuned model. Choose from "logloss","error","aucpr","auc"


Choose from "hist", "gpu_hist"


Set to TRUE to run a grid tuning procedure


Set to either "default" or "best". Default is to compare each successive model build to the baseline model using max trees (from function args). Best makes the comparison to the current best model.


Number of models to test from grid options.


A number


In minutes


Default is NULL. Provide a data.table of grid options from a previous run.


= 100L


Bandit grid partitioned. Supply a single value for non-grid tuning cases. Otherwise, supply a vector for the trees numbers you want to test. For running grid tuning, a NULL value supplied will mean these values are tested seq(1000L, 10000L, 1000L)


= 1. If setting greater than 1, set colsample_bytree < 1, subsample < 1 and round = 1


Bandit grid partitioned. Supply a single value for non-grid tuning cases. Otherwise, supply a vector for the LearningRate values to test. For running grid tuning, a NULL value supplied will mean these values are tested c(0.01,0.02,0.03,0.04)


Bandit grid partitioned. Number, or vector for depth to test. For running grid tuning, a NULL value supplied will mean these values are tested seq(4L, 16L, 2L)


Number, or vector for min_child_weight to test. For running grid tuning, a NULL value supplied will mean these values are tested seq(1.0, 10.0, 1.0)


Number, or vector for subsample to test. For running grid tuning, a NULL value supplied will mean these values are tested seq(0.55, 1.0, 0.05)


Number, or vector for colsample_bytree to test. For running grid tuning, a NULL value supplied will mean these values are tested seq(0.55, 1.0, 0.05)


TRUE to print to console the steps taken


0. L1 Reg.


1. L2 Reg.


Saves to file and returned in list: VariableImportance.csv, Model, ValidationData.csv, EvalutionPlot.png, EvaluationMetrics.csv, ParDepPlots.R a named list of features with partial dependence calibration plots, GridCollect, and GridList


Adrian Antico

See Also

Other Automated Supervised Learning - Binary Classification: AutoCatBoostClassifier(), AutoH2oDRFClassifier(), AutoH2oGAMClassifier(), AutoH2oGBMClassifier(), AutoH2oGLMClassifier(), AutoH2oMLClassifier(), AutoLightGBMClassifier()


## Not run: 
# Create some dummy correlated data
data <- AutoQuant::FakeDataGenerator(
  Correlation = 0.85,
  N = 1000L,
  ID = 2L,
  ZIP = 0L,
  AddDate = FALSE,
  Classification = TRUE,
  MultiClass = FALSE)

# Run function
TestModel <- AutoQuant::AutoXGBoostClassifier(

  # GPU or CPU
  TreeMethod = "hist",
  NThreads = parallel::detectCores(),

  # Metadata args
  OutputSelection = c('Importances', 'EvalPlots', 'EvalMetrics', 'Score_TrainData'),
  model_path = normalizePath("./"),
  metadata_path = NULL,
  ModelID = "Test_Model_1",
  EncodingMethod = "binary",
  ReturnFactorLevels = TRUE,
  ReturnModelObjects = TRUE,
  SaveModelObjects = FALSE,
  SaveInfoToPDF = FALSE,

  # Data args
  data = data,
  TrainOnFull = FALSE,
  ValidationData = NULL,
  TestData = NULL,
  TargetColumnName = "Adrian",
  FeatureColNames = names(data)[!names(data) %in%
    c("IDcol_1", "IDcol_2","Adrian")],
  WeightsColumnName = NULL,
  IDcols = c("IDcol_1","IDcol_2"),

  # Model evaluation
  LossFunction = 'reg:logistic',
  CostMatrixWeights = c(0,1,1,0),
  eval_metric = "auc",
  grid_eval_metric = "MCC",
  NumOfParDepPlots = 3L,

  # Grid tuning args
  PassInGrid = NULL,
  GridTune = FALSE,
  BaselineComparison = "default",
  MaxModelsInGrid = 10L,
  MaxRunsWithoutNewWinner = 20L,
  MaxRunMinutes = 24L*60L,
  Verbose = 1L,

  # ML args
  Trees = 500L,
  eta = 0.30,
  max_depth = 9L,
  min_child_weight = 1.0,
  subsample = 1,
  colsample_bytree = 1,
  DebugMode = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

AdrianAntico/RemixAutoML documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 3:32 a.m.