CausalMediation: CausalMediation

View source: R/CausalMediation.R

CausalMediationR Documentation



CausalMediation utilizes models from regmedint package


  OutcomeTargetVariable = NULL,
  TreatmentVariable = NULL,
  MediatorVariable = NULL,
  Covariates = NULL,
  MM_TreatmentCovariates = NULL,
  OM_TreatmentCovariates = NULL,
  OM_MediatorCovariates = NULL,
  SurvivalEventVariable = NULL,
  UnTreated_ReferenceIndicator = NULL,
  Treated_ReferenceIndicator = NULL,
  Mediator_ControlDirectEffectLevel = NULL,
  Covariate_NaturalDirectIndirect = 0,
  MediatorTargetType = "linear",
  OutcomeTargetType = "linear",
  TreatmentMediatorInteraction = TRUE,
  CaseControlSourceData = FALSE,
  RemoveNA = FALSE



Data frame containing the following relevant variables.


yvar in underlying model. A character vector of length 1. Outcome variable name. It should be the time variable for the survival outcome.


avar in underlying model. A character vector of length 1. Treatment variable name.


mvar in underlying model. A character vector of length 1. Mediator variable name.


For main model


emm_ac_mreg in underlying model. A character vector of length > 0. Effect modifiers names. The covariate vector in treatment-covariate product term in the mediator model.


emm_ac_yreg in underlying model. A character vector of length > 0. Effect modifiers names. The covariate vector in treatment-covariate product term in the outcome model.


emm_mc_yreg in underlying model. A character vector of length > 0. Effect modifiers names. The covariate vector in mediator-covariate product term in outcome model.


eventvar in underlying model. An character vector of length 1. Only required for survival outcome regression models. Note that the coding is 1 for event and 0 for censoring, following the R survival package convention.


a0 in underlying model. A numeric vector of length 1. The reference level of treatment variable that is considered "untreated" or "unexposed".


a1 in underlying model. A numeric vector of length 1.


m_cde in underlying model. A numeric vector of length 1. Mediator level at which controlled direct effect is evaluated at.


c_cond in underlying model. A numeric vector of the same length as cvar. Covariate levels at which natural direct and indirect effects are evaluated at.


mreg in underlying model. A character vector of length 1. Mediator regression type: "linear" or "logistic".


yreg in underlying model. A character vector of length 1. Outcome regression type: "linear", "logistic", "loglinear", "poisson", "negbin", "survCox", "survAFT_exp", or "survAFT_weibull".


interaction in underlying model. A logical vector of length 1. The presence of treatment-mediator interaction in the outcome model. Default to TRUE.


casecontrol in underlying model. A logical vector of length 1. Default to FALSE. Whether data comes from a case-control study.


na_omit in underlying model. A logical vector of length 1. Default to FALSE. Whether to remove NAs in the columns of interest before fitting the models.


cvar in underlying model. A character vector of length > 0. Covariate names. Use NULL if there is no covariate. However, this is a highly suspicious situation. Even if avar is randomized, mvar is not. Thus, there are usually some confounder(s) to account for the common cause structure (confounding) between mvar and yvar.


list with model output object, summary output, effects output, and an effects plot


Adrian Antico


## Not run: 
library(regmedint) # to load vv2015
Output <- AutoQuant::CausalMediation(
  data = vv2015,
  OutcomeTargetVariable = 'y',            # yvar char length = 0
  TreatmentVariable = "x",                # avar char length = 0 (binary)
  MediatorVariable = "m",                 # mvar char length = 0 (binary)
  Covariates = "c",                       # cvar char length > 0
  MM_TreatmentCovariates = NULL,          # emm_ac_mreg = NULL char length > 0
  OM_TreatmentCovariates = NULL,          # emm_ac_yreg = NULL char length > 0
  OM_MediatorCovariates = NULL,           # emm_mc_yreg = NULL char length > 0
  SurvivalEventVariable = "event",        # eventvar char length = 0
  UnTreated_ReferenceIndicator = 0,       # ao num length = 1
  Treated_ReferenceIndicator = 1,         # a1 num length = 1
  Mediator_ControlDirectEffectLevel = 1,  # m_cde num length = 1
  Covariate_NaturalDirectIndirect = 3,    # c_cond; same length as Covariates num length = length(Covariates)
  MediatorTargetType = 'logistic',        # mreg "linear" or "logistic",
  OutcomeTargetType = 'survAFT_weibull',  # yreg "linear", "logistic", "loglinear", "poisson", "negbin", "survCox", "survAFT_exp", or "survAFT_weibull"
  TreatmentMediatorInteraction = TRUE,    # interaction = TRUE,
  CaseControlSourceData = FALSE,          # casecontrol = FALSE,
  RemoveNA = FALSE)

# data = vv2015
# OutcomeTargetVariable = 'y'
# TreatmentVariable = "x"
# MediatorVariable = "m"
# Covariates = "c"
# MM_TreatmentCovariates = NULL
# OM_TreatmentCovariates = NULL
# OM_MediatorCovariates = NULL
# SurvivalEventVariable = "event"
# UnTreated_ReferenceIndicator = 0
# Treated_ReferenceIndicator = 1
# Mediator_ControlDirectEffectLevel = 1
# Covariate_NaturalDirectIndirect = 3
# MediatorTargetType = 'logistic'
# OutcomeTargetType = 'survAFT_weibull'
# TreatmentMediatorInteraction = TRUE
# CaseControlSourceData = FALSE
# RemoveNA = FALSE

## End(Not run)

AdrianAntico/RemixAutoML documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 3:32 a.m.