
# This file will not be included in the build of the package,
# but objects created here will, via add_data(), be available
# from the 'data/' folder

# time series data of unknown nature
tf.d12 <- structure(c(-9582, -2777, 7939, -6939, -1653, 4712, 5655, 2235, 3449,
-17264, 5962, 931, 2839, 223, -237, -1236, -1224, 5414, 4969, -2741, 14119,
-16877, 2375, 5511, -598, -3260, 5768, -2945, -942, 6200, 4531, 4466, 7891,
-19508, -3310, 12572, -8665, -6374, 9593, -947, -1224, 7412, -922, 8448, 7462,
-17416, -3113, 3677, 7533, 530, 899, 5956, -1386, 11282, 346, 7112, 5400,
-19938, -6540, 9285, -3621, -4518, 6293, -4278, -3305, 7316, 3505, 11076,
-10885, -9789, -12419, 5363, -9480, -7809, 13094, -6405, -2923, 9175, 3337, 651,
14695, -18966, 4512, 2855, -7898, 8739, 6120, -209, 1488, 6271, 1846, -1805,
10936, -24949, -3232, 10635, -2204, -8522, 13338, -641, -2744, 7461, -5210,
10490, -4242, -13900, -4105, 13550, -5612, 1322, 3582, 1977, 739, 317, 5831,
-2952, -10266, -1936, -3167, 6591, -2628, -5524, 12066, 4222, 1200, -2638,
16385, -9307, 8789, -13242, -8849, 12135, -3081, 1511, 851, 12078, -10574,
20560, 5321, -4332, 8771, -19739, 5892, 9987, -13598, 37142, -16195, 13037,
-7358, 1159, -170, -2370, 2941, -17942, -13372, 18153, 11070, -12246, 1830,
10843, -8752, 13480, 6562, -5789, 4378, -11198, -6309, 20940, -5989, -10982,
11866, 10828, -5348, 4832, 4926, 2389, 21484, -44188, 3940, 21637, -10868, 809,
1992, 4137, 9789, 6258, 1008), .Tsp = c(1, 16.5, 12), class = "ts")
AkselA/R-forecastComp documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 4:46 a.m.