openness: Four Inventories of Openness to Experience

opennessR Documentation

Four Inventories of Openness to Experience


A response matrix (n = 794) of all four Openness to Experience inventories from Christensen, Cotter, & Silvia (2019). The key provides inventory, facet, and item description information for the item labels. Note that because of NEO's copyrights the items have been shortened and paraphrased





A 794 x 138 response matrix (openness) and 138 x 7 matrix (openness.key). Here are detailed descriptions of the key:

  • Inventory The personality inventory the item belongs to

  • Facet The personality inventory defined facet

  • JPA.Domains The broad domains identified by Christensen, Cotter, and Silvia (2019)

  • JPA.Facets The facets identified by Christensen, Cotter, and Silvia (2019)

  • Item.Label The labels used in Christensen, Cotter, and Silvia (2019)

  • Item.Description Descriptions of each item. Note that the NEO-PI-3 items are protected by copyright and therefore have been paraphrased. These item descriptions do not represent the item as given to the participant

  • Reversed Whether an item should be reversed or not (openness is already reversed)


Christensen, A. P., Cotter, K. N., & Silvia, P. J. (2019). Reopening openness to experience: A network analysis of four openness to experience inventories. Journal of Personality Assessment, 101, 574-588.


# Loading data

# Change item labels
colnames(openness) <- openness.key$Item.Description

AlexChristensen/NetworkToolbox documentation built on March 6, 2023, 5:08 p.m.