#' @title Rm_Emojis
#' @description this function removes emojis
#' @usage Rm_Emojis(Sstring)
#' @param Sstring string value input
#' @export
Rm_Emojis <- Vectorize(function(Sstring){
Sstring <- gsub("[^\x01-\x7F]", "", Sstring)
#' @title Rm_Hashtags
#' @description this function removes hashtags
#' @usage Rm_Hashtags(Sstring)
#' @param Sstring string value input
#' @export
Rm_Hashtags <- Vectorize(function(Sstring){
Sstring <- gsub("#[_a-zA-Z0-9]+", "", Sstring)
Sstring <- trimws(Sstring)
#' @title Rm_Mentions
#' @description this function removes mentions
#' @usage Rm_Mentions(Sstring)
#' @param Sstring string value input
#' @export
Rm_Mentions <- Vectorize(function(Sstring){
Sstring <- gsub("@[_a-zA-Z0-9]+", "", Sstring)
Sstring <- trimws(Sstring)
#' @title Rm_Numbers
#' @description this function removes numbers
#' @usage Rm_Numbers(Sstring)
#' @param Sstring string value input
#' @export
Rm_Numbers <- Vectorize(function(Sstring){
Sstring <- gsub("[0-9]+", "", Sstring)
Sstring <- trimws(Sstring)
#' @title Rm_Punctuation
#' @description this function removes punctuation
#' @usage Rm_Punctuation(Sstring)
#' @param Sstring string value input
#' @export
Rm_Punctuation <- Vectorize(function(Sstring){
Sstring <- gsub("[!?.,:;]", "", Sstring)
Sstring <- trimws(Sstring)
#' @title Rm_URLs
#' @description this function removes URLS
#' @usage Rm_URLs(Sstring)
#' @param Sstring string value input
#' @export
Rm_URLs <- Vectorize(function(Sstring){
url_pattern <- "http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\\(\\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+"
Sstring <- gsub(url_pattern, "", Sstring)
Sstring <- trimws(gsub("\\s+", " ", Sstring))
#' @title To_Lower
#' @description this function changes all characters to lower case
#' @usage To_Lower(Sstring)
#' @param Sstring string value input
#' @export
To_Lower <- Vectorize(function(Sstring){
Sstring <- tolower(Sstring)
#' @title To_Singular_String
#' @description This function changes all words to singular. Only applicable to a df or tibble of word tokens
#' @usage To_Singular_String(Sstring)
#' @param Sstring string value input
#' @import pluralize
#' @export
To_Singular_String <- Vectorize(function(Sstring){
Singularity <- singularize(Sstring)
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