Man pages for AllenInstitute/scrattch
Single Cell RNA-seq Analysis for Transcriptomic Type CHaracterization

build_paletteGenerate a palette of related colors around a central color
color_sumMix two colors additively in RGB space
helloHello, World!
install_bioc_depsInstall dependencies for scrattch packages from Bioconductor
install_github_depsInstall dependencies for scrattch packages from Github
install_scrattchInstall all packages in the scrattch suite
install_scrattch_depsInstall all dependencies from Github and BioConductor
values_to_colorsConvert values to colors along a color ramp
varibowGenerate a rainbow palette with variation in saturation and...
weave_plotGenerate a weave plot based on a palette of colors
AllenInstitute/scrattch documentation built on Jan. 27, 2021, 11:45 a.m.