Man pages for AnaGalhoz37/wppi
Weighting protein-protein interactions

common_neighborsShared neighbors of connected vertices
count_genesNumber of total genes in an ontology database
filter_annot_with_networkFilter ontology datasets using PPI network object
functional_annotFunctional similarity score based on ontology
graph_from_opIgraph object from OmniPath network
in_omnipathCheck which genes of interest are or not in OmniPath
prioritization_genesCandidate genes prioritization
process_annotProcessing of ontology annotations
random_walkRandom Walk with Restart (RWR)
score_candidate_genes_from_PPIThe full WPPI workflow
subgraph_opExtract PPI subgraph by genes of interest
weighted_adjWeighted adjacency matrix
wppiThe wppi package
wppi_dataDatabase knowledge for wppi
wppi_go_dataRetrieves data from Gene Ontology (GO)
wppi_hpo_dataRetrieves data from Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO)
wppi_omnipath_dataProtein-protein interaction data from OmniPath
AnaGalhoz37/wppi documentation built on Nov. 8, 2022, 7:47 a.m.