gp.po: Ponderosa Pine Pith Offsets Corresponding to 'gp.rwl'

gp.poR Documentation

Ponderosa Pine Pith Offsets Corresponding to gp.rwl


This data set gives the pith offsets that match the ring widths for gp.rwl – a data set of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) from the Gus Pearson Natural Area (GPNA) in northern Arizona, USA. Data are further described by Biondi and Qeadan (2008) and references therein.




A data.frame containing series IDs in column 1 (series) and the number of years between the beginning of that series in gp.rwl and the pith of the tree (pith.offset). This can be used together with the ring widths to calculate the cambial age of each ring.


DendroLab, University of Nevada Reno, USA.


Biondi, F. and Qeadan, F. (2008) A theory-driven approach to tree-ring standardization: Defining the biological trend from expected basal area increment. Tree-Ring Research, 64(2), 81–96.

AndyBunn/dplR documentation built on June 5, 2024, 4:53 a.m.