Man pages for AndyClifton/PowerPerformance
Package to analyze wind resource and wind turbine data (developer test version)

AreaBelowCalculate the area below a certain level in a rotor disk
cleanPlotGenerate a clean plot that is more-or-less publication ready
GetErrorMetricsCalculate a range of error metrics for a data set
GetREWSCalculate rotor-equivalent wind speed from a wind speed...
GetTORGet the operating region of a wind turbine
MAECalculate the mean absolute error for a data set
MaxAECalculate the maximum absolute error for a data set
NRELPlotGenerate a clean plot that is more-or-less publication ready
PCfromParamGenerate a power curve based on parameters
PCQueryTurbineModelGet an estimate of turbine power production from a wind...
PCTrainTestTrain and test a power curve model
PCTrainTurbineModelCreate an IEC-conformal power curve
PCWGDataSet1Performance data set from a wind turbine (PCWG #1)
PCwsAdjDensApply a density correction to wind speed according to IEC...
PearsonCorrelationCalculate the Pearson's Correlation Coefficient for a dataset
plotPCWorkhorse function to plot power curves using different types...
PowerPerformancePowerPerformance: analyzing and predicting wind turbine...
RFChecknTreesCheck if sufficient trees were used in the random tree model
RFCheckVarImpCheck the importance of the variables used in the Random...
RFQueryTurbineModelUse a random forest model to predict response to forcing...
RFTrainTestTurbineModelTrain and test a random forest power model
RFTrainTurbineModelTrain a random forest model
RMSECalculate the root mean square error for a data set
SAECalculate the sum of the absolute error for a data set
SimPCSimulate the power produced in a bin
SliceAreaCalculate the area of a slice through a rotor disk
SPECalculate the sum of the positive error for a data set
TrpIntegrtTrapezoidal integration
WindPACT1500kWSimulated performance data for the WindPACT 1.5 MW Baseline...
ZTQueryTurbineModelQuery the zero-turbulence power curve
ZTSiteTurbineModelCreate the site specific power curve using the zero...
ZTTrainBaselinePCModelCreate a power curve for a specific Ti level using the zero...
ZTTrainFinalTurbineModelCreate the final zero-turbulence power curve
ZTTrainInitTurbineModelInitialize the zero-turbulence power curve
ZTTrainSiteTurbineModelCreate the site specific power curve using the zero...
ZTTrainTheoTurbineModelInitialize the zero-turbulence power curve
ZTTrainTiSpecificTurbineModelCreate a power curve for a specific Ti level using the zero...
AndyClifton/PowerPerformance documentation built on May 5, 2019, 6 a.m.