PCQueryTurbineModel: Get an estimate of turbine power production from a wind...

Description Usage Arguments Value Note See Also


PCQueryTurbineModel queries the power curve to find the power expected at a given wind speed, if the wind speed is input. If the power is input, the wind speed will be estimated from the power. PCQueryTurbineModel uses approx to perform a linear interpolation between the input power curve data points to the point of interest. Wind speeds that exceed the range of data in the input power curve are assumed to have 0 mean power.


PCQueryTurbineModel(power.curve, ws = NULL, power = NULL)



a power curve object containing information about wind speeds and power


the wind speed (can be a vector)


the power (can be a vector)


if ws is input, a vector of power at wind speed ws

if power is input, a vector of the lowest wind speed to achieve that power


either ws or power should be given as an input.

See Also

Other Power curve methods: PCTrainTest; PCTrainTurbineModel; PCwsAdjDens; plotPC

AndyClifton/PowerPerformance documentation built on May 5, 2019, 6 a.m.