Man pages for Antoine-Masse/KefiR
KefiR Package

bipltmake a biplot that allows you to see the relationship between...
bootregValidating a bootstrap linear regression model
categoDetermining groups based on the results of a pairwise...
check_echDetermine the differences in mean that I can detect for a...
cooks.distance_lmerFunction to compute Cook's distance for mixed models
cor_echAnticipate the sample size needed to detect a correlation (if...
corrigraphigraph of correlated variables global or in relation to y
device.printPlot data.frame and titles
dscObtain the best configuration to meet the objectives...
dsc2Check the robustness of a suggested dsc() prediction of X for...
dvarDiversifies the variables of a dataframe by testing...
evolregIdentify the best linear, logistic or mixed regression model...
exp_dynDynamic expansion on a vector (changing the mean without...
force.numericForce numerical variable to be numeric in a dataframe
identify_echIdentify the sample size needed to detect a difference...
ind.medianIndexes around median.
int.echConfidence interval of a sample
int.popConfidence interval of a population
int.propConfidence interval of a proportion
int.prop.tableConfidence intervals on a matrix of a contingent
jb.normtestJarque Bera test for normality
jb.norm.testJarque-Bera test for normality
kurtosis.norm.testKurtosis test for normality a table to summarize coefficients of a list of linear...
meanbpMoving average (weighted) per iteration
mm.testAutomatic mean/median comparison
ModeCalculation of the mode of a dataset
m.testAutomatic average/median/variance comparison function.
pairwiseAutomation function for pairwise calculations.
pairwise.bootCalculate an pairwise difference between samples by bootstrap...
parcoParallel coordinates in a single line of code
paretoPareto chart
pdeVary two parameters in a recipe and model the ideal recipe.
rrGage R&R
skewness.norm.testSkewness test for normality
starA function that transforms pvalues in stars ***
star.lmGet stars for a linear model
valregFunction to validate a regression model
wilcoxon.cut.testCompare two halves of a population by Wilcoxon test.
Antoine-Masse/KefiR documentation built on July 4, 2024, 11:40 a.m.