  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"

Run %program_name% with outsider in R

Build Status

Summary line of what the program does.

Install and look up help

module_install(repo = "%repo%")
module_help(repo = "%repo%")

A detailed example

%cmd% <- module_import(fname = '%cmd%', repo = "%repo%")
%cmd%(arglist = c('--a', '-more=10', '-complicated=a', 'example.txt'))
module_uninstall(repo = "%repo%")

Key arguments

Describe key arguments and show program output. E.g. in table format.

|Argument|Usage|Description| |--------|-----|-----------| |a |--a |Runs "a" method| |more |-more=# |Run # more| |complicated|-complicated=[a-z]|Run [a-z]| |Output file|Final argument|Where to storeoutput|


Find out more by visiting the %program_name%'s homepage.

Please cite

An outsider module

Learn more at outsider website. Want to build your own module? Check out outsider.devtools website.

AntonelliLab/outsider.devtools documentation built on June 20, 2022, 4:36 a.m.