knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Why is my module not returned by outsider::module_search?

outsider::module_search makes it easier for users to locate and install modules. It can search for modules across both GitHub and GitLab (but not BitBucket). For both services, the repo names must begin om.. and there must be an om.yml in the top-level directory.

Additionally, GitHub repos must have "outsider-module" at the beginning of their repo descriptions.

Try comparing and contrasting your set-up with these repos:

Can a module be an R package?

There is nothing preventing you develop an R package while enabling the package to also act as an outsider module. You do not need to call the package om.., all that is required is the om.yml and a functioning Dockerfile.

How do I delete an old image?

Docker maintains images and containers. In the advanced vignette we showed you how to stop and remove containers. To delete unwanted images:

# list images
docker image ls
# delete an image
docker image rm [IMAGE ID]

AntonelliLab/outsider.devtools documentation built on June 20, 2022, 4:36 a.m.