Man pages for AntoniusGolly/cmgo
Derive principle Channel metrics from bank points

CM.calculateCenterlineCalculate channel centerline
CM.generatePolygonGenerate polygon from bank points
cmgoDeriving basic channel metrics from bank and long-profile...
CM.iniGet the global data object
CM.parGet the parameter object
CM.plotMetricsPlot changes of the banks (erosion and aggradation)
CM.plotPlanViewPlot a map of the channel
CM.plotWidthPlot channel width
CM.processCenterlineProcess the centerline
CM.resampleCenterlineResample centerline points
CM.runRun the full stack of the main cmgo functions
CM.writeDataWrite data
demoRaw input demo data set to run the full stack of cmgo...
demo1Half processed demo data set to run test centerline...
demo2Fully processed demo data set to run test the output and...
demo3Fully processed demo data set to run test the output and...
AntoniusGolly/cmgo documentation built on Sept. 24, 2021, 1:33 a.m.