Man pages for ArnaudDroitLab/RJMCMC
Bayesian hierarchical model for genome-wide profiling of nucleosome positions based on high-throughput short-read data (MNase-Seq data)

birthMoveBirth move when the current number of nucleosomes is superior...
birthMoveK1Birth move in the case that only one nucleosome is present
BkBirth Submove Probability
deathMoveDeath move when more than one nucleosome are present
DkDeath Submove Probability
elementWithHighestModeElement with the hightest number of occurences
mergeAllRDSFilesMerge nucleosome information
mergeAllRDSFilesFromDirectoryMerge nucleosome information from all RDS files present in a...
mergeRDSFilesMerge nucleosome information for selected RDS files.
mhMoveMetropolis-Hastings move when more than one nucleosomes are...
mhMoveK1Metropolis-Hastings move when number of nucleosomes is equal...
normal.mixtureNormal Mixture Model
postMergeA internal post treatment function to merge closely...
postTreatmentA post treatment function to merge closely positioned...
print.rjmcmcNucleosomesFormated output of predicted nucleosomes
print.rjmcmcNucleosomesMergeFormated output of predicted nucleosomes
priorMuDensityPrior density of mu
reads_demoForward reads and reverse reads in 'numeric' format (for demo...
reads_demo_02Forward reads and reverse reads in 'integer' format (for demo...
RJMCMCNucleosome positioning mapping
rjmcmc-packageRJMCMC: Bayesian hierarchical model for genome-wide profiling...
RJMCMC_resultNucleosomes obtained by running RJMCMC function (for demo...
student.mixtureStudent Mixture Model
syntheticNucleosomeReadsSimulated dataset of reads generated by 'nucleoSim' package...
tnormaleRandom deviate from a truncated normal distribution
validateDirectoryParametersParameters validation for the 'mergeAllRDSFilesFromDirectory'...
validateParametersParameters validation for the 'rjmcmc' function
validatePrepMergeParametersParameters validation for the 'postMerge' function
validateRDSFilesParametersParameters validation for the 'mergeRDSFiles' function
ArnaudDroitLab/RJMCMC documentation built on May 5, 2019, 7:06 a.m.