Man pages for ArthurPERE/biomass
Estimating Aboveground Biomass and Its Uncertainty in Tropical Forests

AGBmonteCarloPropagating above-ground biomass (AGB) or carbon (AGC) errors...
apgFamiliesAngiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG III) dataset
attributeTreeAttribute trees to subplots
BIOMASS-packageBIOMASS: Estimating Aboveground Biomass and Its Uncertainty...
cacheManagerManage the cache
computeAGBComputing tree above-ground biomass (AGB)
computeERetrieving Chave's environmental index
computeFeldRegionRetrieving Feldpausch regions
correctCoordGPSCorrect the GPS coordinates
correctTaxoChecking typos in names
cutPlotDivides a plot in subplots
feldCoefFeldpausch et al. 2012 coefficients for generalized...
genusFamilyGenus Family database
getBioclimParamRetrieving bioclimatic parameters
getTaxonomyRetrieving the taxonomy
getWoodDensityEstimating wood density
KarnatakaForestKarnataka forest dataset
latlong2UTMTranslate the long lat coordinate in UTM coordinate
modelHDFitting height-diameter models
NouraguesHDHeight-Diameter data
numberCornerGet the UTM coordinates with the corner of the plot
param_4Posterior distribution of Chave et al.'s 2014 equation 4...
param_7Posterior distribution of parameters associated with the...
predictHeightPredicting tree height
procrustProcrust analysis
retrieveHRetrieving tree height from models
sd_10Mean standard deviation of wood density estimates at...
summaryByPlotSummarize by plot (or subplot) the posterior distribution of...
updateCacheUpdate the cache for the different function
wdDataThe global wood density database
ArthurPERE/biomass documentation built on May 18, 2019, 2:33 a.m.