
Researchers face technical challenges when dealing with data access, formats, extraction, analysis and aggregation and can benefit from tools that simplify the "desktop-components" of a study. Here we outline a developing system for building a repository of synoptic environmental data with tools for extraction and analysis. The system is freely available, has a small administrative overhead for installation, and works with a wide range of existing data streams from a variety of formats.

Strategy in the AAD/ACE context

The overall strategy for SOEC was originally here: http://soki.aq/display/Data/ACE+SOEC+Data+Management+Strategy

Features of the system


Installation of the system

Standard usage is via RStudio Server, but this is not a requirement - any R installation with the tools below can be used.

NetCDF4 and HDF4 is a bit of a spanner on all systems, needs fleshing out the details


The following tools are required as prerequisites for the full current functionality. The system as a whole is not dependent having everything available, just some components won't be available (need to flesh this out).

A specific system pre-installation script is here for Ubuntu 14.04: https://github.com/mdsumner/nectar/blob/master/r-spatial.sh

Tools installation

The system is composed of three packages, that are all publicly available:

https://github.com/mdsumner/raadtools https://github.com/AustralianAntarcticDataCentre/raadsync https://github.com/mdsumner/roc

Data sets and format specifics

Sea ice - NSIDC, AMSR, ...

Ocean colour - L2 with raster/rgdal L3Bin with roc db delivery of raw L2

SST - standard mapped NetCDF files

Altimetry products - standard mapped NetCDF files SSH/SSHA surface currents

NCEP blended / model products - standard mapped NetCDF files

Misc bathymetry / topography Arrigo prod rapid response GEM derived layers from AAD mld fronts

OpenDAP sources

Custom - templates required for tooling up date/file catalog thin wrapper for raster()

Typical usage session

The **raadtools} package provides a set of helper functions based on functionality in the raster} package, to simplify fast and efficient use of time series environmental data including

There is ongoing work to simplify extension of these tools to a wider range of data, but here we focus on the existing examples just to highlight the preferred ways of working with these data in R.

This document introduces the raadtools package. Some familiarity with R and the raster package is assumed.

This package relies on the availability of a local file repository which must be present please contact the authors if you need assistance.

The very first step is to load the package, which also triggers an attempt to connect to the file repository.


(If there's no message about trouble setting the repository then you are good to go.)

ice <- readice()

\section{Simple data read} \label{sec:simpleread} There are functions to read data based on a sequence of date-time values.

At the simplest level, these functions may be run without setting any arguments and will return the first available time step for the default data source. This is handy for becoming familiar with the kinds of data before getting really specific. Plotting the resulting ice object provides a familiar polar view. These data are a single time slice from the daily passive microwave sea ice concentration, here the very first one that is available (from r getZ(ice)).

Other read functions include reachla, readcurr, readsst, readwind and readtopo. Each of these will read a default data set in a similar way to the ice example, see their respective help pages and explore the index page of raadtools to see an overview of functionality.

Load up the package help index for an overview of all the help topics and functions.

library(help = raadtools)

Read a simple example from each of the data types mentioned above and plot.

chla <- readchla("2009-10-01")
curr <- readcurr("2012-01-09", magonly = TRUE, lon180 = FALSE)
sst <- readsst(c("2000-01-01", "2009-06-08"))
wind <- readwind()
topo <- readtopo("george_v_terre_adelie", xylim = extent(140, 141.5, -65, -64))

apal <- chl.pal(palette = TRUE)
op <- par(mfcol = c(2, 2))
plot(chla, col = chl.pal(apal$breaks), breaks = apal$breaks,
     main = "Johnson chl-a", legend = FALSE)
plot(curr, main = "ocean surface current magnitude")
plot(sst[[2]], main = "SST")
plot(topo, main = "George V Terre Adelie bathymetry",
     col = topo.colors(68)[-c(40:68)])

plot(wind, nr = 2)

The read calls above apply slightly different options in each case, with no arguments at all, with a vector of date-times, xylim} to restrict the spatial extent and lon180} to control the Atlantic vs. Pacific view for global data extending across the dateline.

The ic object is a r class(ice) from the raster package.


This object is a RasterLayer which consists of just a single grid layer for the day listed at the beginning of the NSIDC data set. The dimensions of the grid are listed, (in the order Y then X) r dim(ice)[1:2] and these refer to the number of cells seen vertically on the page (r nrow(ice)) and those seen horizontally (r ncol(ice)), and then the total number of cells (X * Y).

The raster package provides excellent facilities for working with raster data, including images, surfaces, DEMs and time series satellite data. From the raster package DESCRIPTION:

"Reading, writing, manipulating, analyzing and modeling of gridded spatial data. The package implements basic and high-level functions and processing of very large files is supported.""

This package should be consulted for documentation on the use of Raster objects, and in particular the vignette Raster} is a good place to start. Use the library function's help** argument to get an overview of the available functions.

## opens an index page to all of the package's functions
library(help = raster)
## opens a PDF document with extended help and examples

See the Section~\ref{sec:assumedsupport} for more detail on the design choices made with raster and the other package dependenices used by raadtools

Read functions in raadtools


This section discusses the details of individual read functions and some of the rationale behind each one. Different data sets are stored with different native coordinate systems, different pixel and temporal resolutions, different data units, and cover different spatial and temporal ranges. As well as all these options, the way data are stored varies tremendously depending on the provider and the data type. These read functions all return either a Raster object as defined by the raster package with as complete and standard metadata as possible.

Some data sets are inherently multi-layered for a single time step, such as wind and current vectors and so these both have optional arguments dironly} and magonly} to convert the internal U} and V vector components to directions or magnitudes only. The read operation may be combined with a spatial crop by using the argument xylim} and there are other options specific for some data sets such as **lon180} to control the default orientation (these topics will be discussed in more detail in later sections, otherwise see the documentation for each function argument).

Read topographic or bathymetric data


The readtopo (readbathy} is a synonym) will return one of several available data sets. See the help page for the details and source of each one. As these data are not dynamic on short time scales they do not provide a date argument. The ibcso data set is optionally available on a polar or longitude/latitude grid, controlled by the polar argument. The Smith and Sandwell data set is returned in Pacific view on the Mercator projection by default. Use lon180 = FALSE to return Atlantic view.

geb <- readtopo("gebco_08", xylim = extent(150, 220, -75, -60))

Plot vector data


## set up data in advance, to feed the plotting function
tst <- readcurr()
xylim <- extent(projectExtent(raster(extent(130, 150, -50, -30), crs = "+proj=longlat"), projection(tst)))

plotcurrents <- function(date = as.Date("1999-11-24"), ext = NULL, scale = 2000, ...) {
  x <- readcurr(date)
  if (!is.null(ext)) x <- crop(x, ext)
  crds <- coordinates(x)
  plot(sqrt(x[[1L]]^2 + x[[2L]]^2), ...)
  x1 <- crds[,1]
  y1 <- crds[,2]
  x2 <- crds[,1] + values(x[[1L]]) * scale
  y2 <- crds[,2] + values(x[[2L]]) * scale
  op <- options(warn = -1)
  arrows(x1, y1, x2, y2, length = 0.03)

plotcurrents(date = as.Date("2000-01-05"), ext = xylim, scale = 2100)

Animate a series of current plots as above.

dts <- seq(as.Date("2005-10-01"), length = 104, by = "1 week")
pal <- sst.pal(palette = TRUE)
cols <- pal$cols[seq(1, length(pal$cols), length = 16)]
cols <- gsub("ff$", "99", cols)
brks <- pal$breaks[seq(1, length(pal$breaks), length = 16)]

for (i in seq_along(dts)) plotcurrents(dts[i], ext = xylim, scale = 2500, col = cols, breaks = brks)

Extract spatio-temporal data from read functions



a <- structure(list(x = c(174, 168, 156, 111, 99, 64, 52, 46, -4,
                          -15, -30, -38, -47, -62, -87, -127, -145, -160, -161), y = c(-72,
                                                                                       -39, -50, -58, -35, -38, -48, -60, -48, -35, -37, -51, -68, -72,
                                                                                       -69, -54, -40, -49, -54)), .Names = c("x", "y"), row.names = c(NA,
                                                                                                                                                      -19L), class = "data.frame")

a$time <-  sort(as.Date("2005-01-01") + sample(c(0, 0, 0, 8, 20, 50), nrow(a), replace = TRUE))

extract(readssh, a)
extract(readssh, a, ssha = TRUE)
extract(readcurr, a, magonly = TRUE)
extract(readice, a)

extract(readchla, time.resolution = "weekly")
extract(readchla, a, time.resolution = "weekly")

##extract(readwind, a)
readwind(dironly = TRUE)

a$time <- sort(as.Date("1985-01-01") + sample(c(0, 0, 0, 10, 100, 50), nrow(a), replace = TRUE))

##x <- extract(readsst)
##extract(readsst, a)

##extract(readsst, time.resolution = "daily")

##extract(readsst, a)

aurora$sst <- extract(readsst, aurora)
aurora$chla <- extract(readchla, aurora)

## nothing for 2013 yet
##aurora$windmag <- extract(readwind, aurora[,1:3], magonly = TRUE)
##aurora$winddir <- extract(readwind, aurora[,1:3], dironly = TRUE)

##aurora$currmag <- extract(readcurr, aurora[,1:3], magonly = TRUE)
##aurora$currdir<- extract(readcurr, aurora[,1:3], dironly = TRUE)

##aurora$ssh <- extract(readssh, aurora[,1:3])
##aurora$ssha <- extract(readssh, aurora[,1:3], ssha = TRUE)

##aurora$ice <- extract(readice, aurora[,1:3])

## note this is slightly different, since there's no point in generalizing out time
##aurora$bathy <- extract(readbathy(), aurora[,1:2])

Data sets and the native projection


All data sets availalable in raadtools are provided in their native projection. This means that a data set always has a coordinate reference system explicitly and that the data must be used with this coordinate system. A good example is the passive microwave sea ice concentration data, which are provided on a polar stereographic grid for both poles. Another examples is the Smith and Sandwell bathymetry which is provided in a Mercator grid. Many data sets are provided in longitude/latitude but note that this is still not enough information since angular longitude/latitude can only be defined with reference to a particular datum*.

R provides all of the tools required to work with these data.

Coordinate reprojection: raw coordinates and point, line, or polygon objects can be transformed between different map projections using the **rgdal} package.

Flexible extraction methods: the raster package provides extraction methods to do a huge range of query-based extractions from gridded data. These include:

Together all of these features allow practically any required extraction task.


The raadtools package was built with

R http://www.r-project.org}

Rtools http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/

RStudio Server http://www.r-studio.com

Git http://git-scm.com

This document was built with RMarkdown using knitr http://yihui.name/knitr/.


Extract spatio-temporal data with spatial, temporal interpolation, and spatial aggregation


d1 <- data.frame(lon = c(130, 125, 120, -52.27, 123.21, -25.42, 36.96, -36.28),
                 lat = c(-50, -52, -55,-66.31, -74.55, -69.66, -71.85, -68.56),
                 gmt = as.POSIXct("2006-02-08 00:00:00") + 24 *3600 * c(0, 1, 2, 3, 106, 118, 118, 190))

llproj <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0"


## test extract vs extractxyt
sst1 <- extractxyt("oisst", d1)
sst2 <- extract(readsst, d1)

mag1 <- extractxyt("aviso", d1, magonly = TRUE)
mag2 <- extract(readcurr, d1, magonly = TRUE)

ice1 <- extractxyt("nsidc", d1)
ice2 <- extract(readice, d1)

## these diffs should be  zorro
max(abs(sst1 - sst2), na.rm = TRUE)
max(abs(mag1 - mag2), na.rm = TRUE)
max(abs(ice1 - ice2), na.rm = TRUE)

## now the goodstuff
sst3 <- extract(readsst, d1, method = "bilinear")
sst4 <- extract(readsst, d1, ctstime = TRUE)
sst5 <- extract(readsst, d1, ctstime = TRUE, method = "bilinear")

data.frame(sst = sst2, sst_xyinterp = sst3, sst_timeinterp = sst4, sst_spacetimeinterp = sst5)

## some time when we get chl-a
d2 <- data.frame(x = c(-40, -25, -6, 12, 33, 60, 89, 107),
                 y = c(-56, -55, -59, -62, -64, -62, -60, -60),
                 time = as.POSIXct("2006-12-18 00:00:00") + 24 *3600 * 7 * seq_len(8))

## resize by a factor in space so we get "more coverage"
chla1 <- extract(readchla, d2)
chla2 <- extract(readchla, d2, ctstime = TRUE, method = "bilinear")
chla3 <- extract(readchla, d2, ctstime = TRUE, method = "bilinear", fact = 16)
data.frame(chla = chla1, chla_spacetimeinterp = chla2, chla_resizespacetimeinterp = chla3)

chl <- readchla(d2$time, xylim = extent(as.matrix(d2[,1:2])))
chl2 <- aggregate(chl, fact = 16)
pal <- chl.pal(palette = TRUE)

## compare the two plots, with and without spatial aggregation for "coverage"
plot(chl, col = pal$col, breaks = pal$breaks, legend = FALSE, addfun = function() lines(d2[,1:2]))

plot(chl2, col = pal$col, breaks = pal$breaks, legend = FALSE, addfun = function() lines(d2[,1:2]))

The *raadtools package provides easy read and extraction tools for remote sensing data. These include:

Other sources can be added to the collection. Each data set we have is available on a TPAC (RDSI) server, and these are also synchronized back to Kingston. Data sets are registered in a configuration on the raadsync server. For details and to add new data sets talk to Mike Sumner or Ben Raymond. The system can be installed independently elsewhere, but consider that each data set is composed of Gigabytes of files in the default set up.


One thing needs to be configured before loading the package, this is the R environment variable "default.datadir".

For example, we can use

options(default.datadir = "/path/to/big/data")


There are three main ways to use the read functions in raadtools.

Read single layers for a given date, the object returned is a "RasterLayer" as defined by the raster package. This description includes all the required metadata in order to use this object, which under the hood is ultimately a matrix of percentage values.

date <- as.Date("2014-01-01")

ice <- readice(date)

Read multiple layers for a set of dates. This returns a 12-layer object, with 12 months of data. The underlying default data for readcurr is daily, and these are then just the daily data from the first of each month of 2014 (not monthly averages).

date <- seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"), by = "1 month", length = 12)

mag <- readcurr(date, magonly = TRUE)

Extract values for points in space-time. Because the read functions return an object with a known coordinate system and position in time we can build a general extract method to query values at specific points in space-time.

## aurora is a built-in data set with columns "long", "lat", "time"
track <- aurora
track$sst <- extract(readsst, track[,1:3], ctstime = TRUE, method = "bilinear")

Introduction to raster

file sets from raadtools

stack and brick and raster

High level functions for multi-layer rasters

mean calc animate library(help = raster)

High level functions for single layer rasters



Boolean tests

Reading big stacks, write to file

The function brick() or stack() are normally used in raster to work with large objects. The read functions in raadtools hide this detail, and augment some of the missing features in raster that don't understand some formats.

We can use the filename argument for brick with the raadtools functions:

dates <- seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"), length = 24, by = "2 weeks")
sst <- readsst(dates, filename = "twoweeklysst.grd", xylim = extent(100, 160, -65, -30))
sst <- brick("twoweeklysst.grd")

These objects are now inherently bound to a file on disk. This may be the case implicitly since raster makes its own decision about whether memory on disk is required or not.

Replace the filename extension for other formats, see ?writeRaster for more details.

sst <- readsst(dates, filename = "twoweeklysst.nc")

sst <- readsst(dates, filename = "twoweeklysst.tif")

Datasets with multiple attributes

The functions readcurr() and readwind() naturally return data with two attributes, U and V components of velocity. There's no "4D" raster type, and raster inherently mixes up dimensions and attributes so we can obtain multiple time-steps only by choosing one of magonly or dironly.

AustralianAntarcticDivision/raadtools documentation built on June 11, 2024, 9:15 a.m.