allfiles | Load raw list of all files available to raadtools from the... |
amps_d1_icefiles | AMPS files |
amps_metadata | AMPS GRIB file metadata |
aurora | Aurora Australis voyage track |
ccmp_files | Title |
chlafiles | Chlorophyll-a |
chl.pal | Ocean colour colours for chlorophyll-a. |
coastmap | Coast map |
commonprojections | This is a list of often used projections, in PROJ |
cpolarfiles | Circumpolar ROMS files. |
currentsfiles | AVISO ocean currents files |
derivaadcfiles | Load metadata and location of files of polar climatological... |
derivaadcproducts | List all derived data products available through... |
derivicefiles | Load metadata and location of files of derived sea ice data... |
distance_to_ice_edge | Distance to a sea ice 'edge'. |
extract | extract |
fraser_fasticefiles | Fast ice files |
frontsmap | Fronts map data for the Southern Ocean |
ghrsstfiles | GHRSST L4 files |
icefiles | Load metadata and location of files of sea ice data products. |
imagemap | Maps of places |
nuyina | Nuyina underway track |
ocfiles | Load metadata and location of files of ocean colour data... |
oc_sochla_files | Derived ocean colour files |
polar_map | Polar map |
query_grid | Create a query grid |
raadtools | raadtools |
raadtools-package | R tools for spatial data, extensions using raster to read and... |
rapid_responsefiles | Load metadata and location of files of Rapid Response... |
read_adt_daily | Altimetry products. |
readamps_d1wind | read AMPS data |
read_amsr2_3k_ice | Read AMSR2 sea ice data (3km. |
read_amsr2_ice | Read AMSR2 sea ice data (6km) |
read_amsre_ice | Read AMSRE sea ice data (6km) |
read_amsr_ice | Read AMSR sea ice data. |
readcafe | Read 'cafe' MODIS monthly data |
read_ccmp | Read CCMP wind files, from the RSS Cross-Calibrated... |
read_cersat_ice | Read CERSAT daily sea ice data. |
readchla | Read Chlorophyll-a, NASA algorithm |
read_chla_daily | Read daily chlorphyll-a |
readcurr | Read AVISO ocean current data |
readderivaadc | Read data from polar climatological and other summary... |
readderivice | Read data from derived sea ice data products. |
readfastice | Fast ice data |
readfronts | Read data from the Sokolov/Rintoul Southern Ocean fronts... |
readfsle | Backward-in-time Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponents |
read_geoid | Read Earth Gravitation Model |
readghrsst | Read GHRSST |
readice | Read from NSIDC 25km polar sea ice. |
readice_area | Area of pixels in sea ice |
read_leads_clim | Relative lead frequencies for the polar oceans |
readmld | Mixed Layer Depth |
read_oc_sochla | Southern Ocean Chlorophyll-a |
read_par | Read PAR from NASA ocean colour. |
readrapid_response | MODIS Rapid Response images |
readsal | Read SMAP sea surface salinity data |
read_sose | Read SOSE Southern Ocean State Estimate |
read_srtm_tile | Read a single SRTM tile |
readssh | read SSH/A |
readsst | Read OISST sea surface temperature data |
readtopo | Topography data |
readwind | readwind |
salfiles | SMAP sea surface temperature files |
set_data_roots | Set the file system locations where data are stored |
sose_monthly_varnames | SOSE varnames |
sshfiles | AVISO sea surface height / anomaly files |
sstfiles | OISST sea surface temperature files |
sst.pal | SST colours |
stations | Stations locations |
table_uvgos | Read surface currents as table |
timedateFrom | Stable conversion to POSIXct from character and Date |
windfiles | Files containing NCEP2 wind vector data |
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