Man pages for AustralianAntarcticDivision/raadtools
Tools for Synoptic Environmental Spatial Data

allfilesLoad raw list of all files available to raadtools from the...
amps_d1_icefilesAMPS files
amps_metadataAMPS GRIB file metadata
auroraAurora Australis voyage track
chl.palOcean colour colours for chlorophyll-a.
coastmapCoast map
commonprojectionsThis is a list of often used projections, in PROJ
cpolarfilesCircumpolar ROMS files.
currentsfilesAVISO ocean currents files
derivaadcfilesLoad metadata and location of files of polar climatological...
derivaadcproductsList all derived data products available through...
derivicefilesLoad metadata and location of files of derived sea ice data...
distance_to_ice_edgeDistance to a sea ice 'edge'.
fraser_fasticefilesFast ice files
frontsmapFronts map data for the Southern Ocean
ghrsstfilesGHRSST L4 files
icefilesLoad metadata and location of files of sea ice data products.
imagemapMaps of places
nuyinaNuyina underway track
ocfilesLoad metadata and location of files of ocean colour data...
oc_sochla_filesDerived ocean colour files
polar_mapPolar map
query_gridCreate a query grid
raadtools-packageR tools for spatial data, extensions using raster to read and...
rapid_responsefilesLoad metadata and location of files of Rapid Response...
read_adt_dailyAltimetry products.
readamps_d1windread AMPS data
read_amsr2_3k_iceRead AMSR2 sea ice data (3km.
read_amsr2_iceRead AMSR2 sea ice data (6km)
read_amsre_iceRead AMSRE sea ice data (6km)
read_amsr_iceRead AMSR sea ice data.
readcafeRead 'cafe' MODIS monthly data
read_ccmpRead CCMP wind files, from the RSS Cross-Calibrated...
read_cersat_iceRead CERSAT daily sea ice data.
readchlaRead Chlorophyll-a, NASA algorithm
read_chla_dailyRead daily chlorphyll-a
readcurrRead AVISO ocean current data
readderivaadcRead data from polar climatological and other summary...
readderiviceRead data from derived sea ice data products.
readfasticeFast ice data
readfrontsRead data from the Sokolov/Rintoul Southern Ocean fronts...
readfsleBackward-in-time Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponents
read_geoidRead Earth Gravitation Model
readghrsstRead GHRSST
readiceRead from NSIDC 25km polar sea ice.
readice_areaArea of pixels in sea ice
read_leads_climRelative lead frequencies for the polar oceans
readmldMixed Layer Depth
read_oc_sochlaSouthern Ocean Chlorophyll-a
read_parRead PAR from NASA ocean colour.
readrapid_responseMODIS Rapid Response images
readsalRead SMAP sea surface salinity data
read_soseRead SOSE Southern Ocean State Estimate
read_srtm_tileRead a single SRTM tile
readsshread SSH/A
readsstRead OISST sea surface temperature data
readtopoTopography data
salfilesSMAP sea surface temperature files
set_data_rootsSet the file system locations where data are stored
sose_monthly_varnamesSOSE varnames
sshfilesAVISO sea surface height / anomaly files
sstfilesOISST sea surface temperature files
sst.palSST colours
stationsStations locations
table_uvgosRead surface currents as table
timedateFromStable conversion to POSIXct from character and Date
windfilesFiles containing NCEP2 wind vector data
AustralianAntarcticDivision/raadtools documentation built on Nov. 14, 2024, 4:27 p.m.