read_leads_clim: Relative lead frequencies for the polar oceans

View source: R/ice_leads.R

read_leads_climR Documentation

Relative lead frequencies for the polar oceans


Average Lead-Frequency for the Arctic for winter months November-April 2002/03-2018/19 based on daily lead composites as derived from MOD/MYD-29 IST 5 min granules


read_leads_clim_south(xylim = NULL)

read_leads_clim_north(xylim = NULL)

read_leads_clim(hemisphere = c("south", "north"), xylim = NULL, ...)


F. Reiser, S. Willmes, G. Heinemann (2020), A new algorithm for daily sea ice lead identification in the Arctic and Antarctic winter from thermal-infrared satellite imagery, Data subm.


read_leads_clim_north(xylim = extent(c(-1, 1, -1, 1) * 50000))
south <- read_leads_clim_south()

## hone in on Mawson
pt <- reproj::reproj_xy(cbind(62 + 52/60, -(67 +  36/60)), projection(south), source = "+proj=longlat")
lead <- read_leads_clim_south(xylim = extent(pt[1] + c(-1, 1) * 250000, pt[2] + c(-1, 1) * 250000))
plot(lead, col = grey.colors(100))
abline(v = pt[1], h = pt[2])

AustralianAntarcticDivision/raadtools documentation built on Nov. 14, 2024, 4:27 p.m.