
Defines functions distance_to_ice distance_to_ice_edge0 distance_to_ice_edge keepOnlyMostComplexLine

Documented in distance_to_ice distance_to_ice_edge

keepOnlyMostComplexLine <- function(x) {
  for (iObj in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
    if (inherits(x, "SpatialLinesDataFrame")) {
      wmax <- which.max(sapply(x[iObj, ]@lines[[1]]@Lines, function(x) nrow(x@coords)))
      x@lines[[iObj]]@Lines <- x@lines[[iObj]]@Lines[wmax]
    if (inherits(x, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {
      wmax <- which.max(sapply(x[iLine, ]@lines[[1]]@Lines, function(x) nrow(x@coords)))
      x@lines[[iLine]]@Lines <- x@lines[[iLine]]@Lines[wmax]

#' Distance to a sea ice 'edge'. 
#' Calculate the shortest distance (metres) to a threshold sea ice contour.  If in
#' doubt use `distance_to_ice_edge`, the definition of the edge is not straightforward, especially so for
#' the higher resolution products and near the coast. 
#' `distance_to_ice_edge` computes a single "main" edge at continental scale
#' `distance_to_ice` computes all distances to any ice at threshold concentration
#' The distance is always positive, use `readice` in the usual way to determine if a
#' location is inside or out of the ice field itself. (If inside means zero distance to ice
#' for you then set it explicitly based on the concentration a point is in.)
#' Future work may generalize this to other data sources. 
#' @inheritParams readice
#' @param threshold the sea ice concentration threshold to contour at
#' @param hemisphere "north" or "south", default is "south"
#' @return raster layer with distances to this date's sea ice edge
#' @export
#' @note beware that any queried location outside of this layer's range will be 
#' undetermined, and the external boundary of this layer is not constant with 
#' respect to the pole, and that in general a location may be closer to ice in the 
#' opposite hemisphere. 
#' The argument `hemisphere` may be north or south (default is south), but this will only work if your locations
#' are on the actual map, so it's not possible to request the distance to ice in both poles for any point. 
#' @examples
#' plot(distance_to_ice(latest = TRUE))
#' plot(distance_to_ice_edge(latest = TRUE))
#' a = extract(distance_to_ice, aurora[17:25, ])
#' extract(distance_to_ice, aurora[17:25, ], hemisphere = "south")
#' # library(trip)
#' # extract(distance_to_ice_edge, walrus818[seq(50, 400, by = 20), ], hemisphere = "north")
distance_to_ice_edge <- function(date, threshold = 15,  xylim = NULL,
                                 hemisphere = "south", returnfiles = FALSE, 
                                 inputfiles = NULL, 
                                 latest = TRUE, ...) {
  if (!is.null(inputfiles)) {
    files <- inputfiles 
  } else {
    files <- icefiles(hemisphere = hemisphere)
  if (returnfiles) return(files)
  if (missing(date)) {
    if (latest) date <- max(files$date)  else date <- min(files$date)
  if (length(date) > 1L) {
    warning("'date' should be of length = 1, using first supplied")
    date <- date[1L]
  distance_to_ice_edge0(date, threshold = threshold, xylim = xylim, returnfiles = FALSE, 
                        inputfiles = inputfiles, hemisphere = hemisphere)

distance_to_ice_edge0 <- function(date, threshold = 15,  xylim = NULL,
                                  hemisphere = "south", returnfiles = FALSE, inputfiles = NULL) {
  ice <- readice(date, hemisphere = hemisphere, inputfiles = inputfiles, setNA = FALSE, xylim = xylim)
  cl <- keepOnlyMostComplexLine(rasterToContour(ice, levels = threshold))
  pp <- reproj::reproj_xy(coordinates(ice), "+proj=longlat", source = projection(ice))
  pcl <- coordinates(as(cl, "SpatialPointsDataFrame"))
  raster::setZ(raster::distanceFromPoints(ice, pcl), timedateFrom(date))
#' @name distance_to_ice_edge
#' @export
distance_to_ice <- function(date, threshold = 15, xylim = NULL, 
                            hemisphere = "south", returnfiles = FALSE, inputfiles = NULL, 
                            latest = TRUE, ...) {
  if (!is.null(inputfiles)) {
    files <- inputfiles 
  } else {
    files <- icefiles(hemisphere = hemisphere)
  if (returnfiles) return(files)
  if (missing(date)) {
    if (latest) date <- max(files$date) else date <- min(files$date)
  if (length(date) > 1L) {
    warning("'date' should be of length = 1, using first supplied")
    date <- date[1L]
  ice <- readice(date, hemisphere = hemisphere, inputfiles = files, setNA = FALSE, xylim = xylim)
  cl <- rasterToContour(ice, levels = threshold)
  pp <- reproj::reproj_xy(coordinates(ice), "+proj=longlat", source = projection(ice))
  pcl <- coordinates(as(cl, "SpatialPointsDataFrame"))
  raster::setZ(raster::distanceFromPoints(ice, pcl), timedateFrom( date))
AustralianAntarcticDivision/raadtools documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 1:18 p.m.