Man pages for AustralianAntarcticDivision/tagsim
Simple population model for tag-based simulations

adjacted_moveCreate adjacent movement matrix
baranovBaranov catch equation
baranov_catchBaranov catch equation
bootstrapBootstrap method for single release tag-return studies
calc_catchCalculate catch
catch_to_FCalculate F for a given catch
check_controlCheck control file
create_controlCreate a control file
create_control_hcrCreate a simplified control file for a single-area population...
create_modelCreate a model object
create_model_hcrCreate a simplified model object for a single-area population...
create_model_multi_releaseCreate a multiple release model object
create_storageCreate an object to store simulation results
create_storage_hcrCreate an object to store a hcr simulation results
do_assessmentSurvey a population
est_recruitsCalculate recrutiment from previous years population
fishing_locsSelect fishing locations
F_to_catchCalculates catch for a given F
init_kCalculate the equilibrium population size
move_matrixCreate movement matrix
move_NMove a fish population
multi_releaseMultiple tag release estimate of population size
parsParameters for specifying multiple release tag model
petersenPetersen estimators
print.sreleasePrint method for single release, single recapture models
recruit_areaAssign recruitment proportions by area
run_hcrRun a single-area simulation with a harvest control rule
run_simRun a simulation model
run_sim_multi_releaseRun a simulation model
run_sim_multi_release_new_process_orderRun a simulation model
single_releaseSingle tag release estimate of population size
summary.bsamplesS3 method for bootstrapped confidence intervals
summary.mrsamplesS3 method for bootstrapped confidence intervals
summary.sreleaseSummary method for single release, single recapture models
tagsimtagsim: A simple population model for tag-based simulations
AustralianAntarcticDivision/tagsim documentation built on May 5, 2019, 9:22 a.m.