
Defines functions my.libplot my.vsdplot my.pca my.ssDist

# original author: Tobias Meissner

my.libplot <- function(x, hline=25, col=rainbow(10), legend) {
  libsize <- colSums(counts(x))/1000000
  x <- barplot(libsize, col=col, xaxt="n", ylim=c(0,120))
  text(cex=0.7, x=x, y=-1.25, legend, xpd=TRUE, srt=90, adj=1, srt=60)
  abline(h=hline, lty=3, col='red')

my.vsdplot <- function(x, col=rainbow(10), legend) {
  boxplot(x, col=col, names=legend, las=2)

my.pca <- function(x, condition) {
  pca    <- prcomp(t(x), retx=T, scale.=T) # scaled pca
  scores <- pca$x[,1:3]                        # scores for first three PC's
  # k-means clustering [assume 3 clusters]
  km     <- kmeans(scores, centers=4, nstart=5)
  ggdata <- data.frame(scores, Cluster=km$cluster, condition=condition)
  # stat_ellipse is not part of the base ggplot package
  ggplot(ggdata) +
    geom_point(aes(x=PC1, y=PC2, color=factor(condition)), size=5, shape=20) +
                 geom="polygon", level=0.95, alpha=0.2) +

my.ssDist <- function(x, condition) {
  vsdMatFactors <- x
  colnames(vsdMatFactors) <- condition
  distsRL <- dist(t(vsdMatFactors))
  mat <- as.matrix(distsRL)
  cormat <- as.matrix(cor(vsdMatFactors, method='spearman'))
  hmcol <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "GnBu"))(100)
            col = rev(hmcol), 
            margin=c(14, 14),
            cexRow = 0.1 + 1/log10(nrow(x)),
            cexCol = 0.1 + 1/log10(ncol(x))
AveraSD/nof1_rnaseq documentation built on May 5, 2019, 9:22 a.m.