summarize: Summarize simulation results

View source: R/summarize.R

summarizeR Documentation

Summarize simulation results


This function calculates summary statistics for simulation results, including descriptive statistics (e.g. measures of center or spread) and inferential statistics (e.g. bias or confidence interval coverage). All summary statistics are calculated over simulation replicates within a single simulation level.


summarize(sim, ..., mc_se = FALSE)



A simulation object of class sim_obj, usually created by new_sim


One or more lists, separated by commas, specifying desired summaries of the sim simulation object. See examples. Each list must have a stat item, which specifies the type of summary statistic to be calculated. The na.rm item indicates whether to exclude NA values when performing the calculation (with default being FALSE). For stat options where the name item is optional, if it is not provided, a name will be formed from the type of summary and the column on which the summary is performed. Additional required items are detailed below for each stat type.

  • list(stat="mean", x="col_1", name="mean_col", na.rm=F) computes the mean of column sim$results$col_1 for each level combination and creates a summary column named "mean_col". Other single-column summary statistics (see the next few items) work analogously. name is optional.

  • list(stat="median", ...) computes the median.

  • list(stat="var", ...) computes the variance.

  • list(stat="sd", ...) computes the standard deviation.

  • list(stat="mad", ...) computes the mean absolute deviation.

  • list(stat="iqr", ...) computes the interquartile range.

  • list(stat="min", ...) computes the minimum.

  • list(stat="max", ...) computes the maximum.

  • list(stat="is_na", ...) computes the number of NA values.

  • list(stat="correlation", x="col_1", y="col_2", name="cor_12") computes the (Pearson's) correlation coefficient between sim$results$col_1 and sim$results$col_2 for each level combination and creates a summary column named "cor_12".

  • list(stat="covariance", x="col_1", y="col_2", name="cov_12") computes the covariance between sim$results$col_1 and sim$results$col_2 for each level combination and creates a summary column named "cov_12".

  • list(stat="quantile", x="col_1", prob=0.8, name="q_col_1") computes the 0.8 quantile of column sim$results$col_1 and creates a summary column named "q_col_1". prob can be any number in [0,1].

  • list(stat="bias", estimate="est", truth=5, name="bias_est") computes the absolute bias of the estimator corresponding to column "sim$results$est", relative to the true value given in truth, and creates a summary column named "bias_est". name is optional. See Details.

  • list(stat="bias_pct", estimate="est", truth=5, name="bias_est") computes the percent bias of the estimator corresponding to column "sim$results$est", relative to the true value given in truth, and creates a summary column named "bias_pct_est". name is optional. See Details.

  • list(stat="mse", estimate="est", truth=5, name="mse_est") computes the mean squared error of the estimator corresponding to column "sim$results$est", relative to the true value given in truth, and creates a summary column named "mse_est". name is optional. See Details.

  • list(stat="mae", estimate="est", truth=5, name="mae_est") computes the mean absolute error of the estimator corresponding to column "sim$results$est", relative to the true value given in truth, and creates a summary column named "mae_est". name is optional. See Details.

  • list(stat="coverage", estimate="est", se="se_est", truth=5, name="cov_est") or list(stat="coverage", lower="est_l", upper="est_u", truth=5, name="cov_est") computes confidence interval coverage. With the first form, estimate gives the name of the variable in sim$results corresponding to the estimator of interest and se gives the name of the variable containing the standard error of the estimator of interest. With the second form, lower gives the name of the variable containing the confidence interval lower bound and upper gives the name of the confidence interval upper bound. In both cases, truth is the true value (see Details), and a summary column named "cov_est" is created.


A logical argument indicating whether to compute Monte Carlo standard error and associated confidence interval for inferential summary statistics. This applies only to the bias, bias_pct, mse, mae, and coverage summary statistics.


  • For all inferential summaries there are three ways to specify truth: (1) a single number, meaning the estimand is the same across all simulation replicates and levels, (2) a numeric vector of the same length as the number of rows in sim$results, or (3) the name of a variable in sim$results containing the estimand of interest.

  • There are two ways to specify the confidence interval bounds for coverage. The first is to provide an estimate and its associated se (standard error). These should both be variables in sim$results. The function constructs a 95% Wald-type confidence interval of the form (estimate-1.96*se, estimate+1.96*se). The alternative is to provide lower and upper bounds, which should also be variables in sim$results. In this case, the confidence interval is (lower, upper). The coverage is the proportion of simulation replicates for a given level combination in which truth lies within the interval.


A data frame containing the result of each specified summary function as a column, for each of the simulation levels. The column n_reps returns the number of successful simulation replicates within each level.


sim <- new_sim()
create_data <- function(n) { rpois(n, lambda=5) }
est_mean <- function(dat, type) {
  if (type=="M") { return(mean(dat)) }
  if (type=="V") { return(var(dat)) }
sim %<>% set_levels(n=c(10,100,1000), est=c("M","V"))
sim %<>% set_config(num_sim=5)
sim %<>% set_script(function() {
  dat <- create_data(L$n)
  lambda_hat <- est_mean(dat=dat, type=L$est)
  return (list("lambda_hat"=lambda_hat))
sim %<>% run()
sim %>% summarize(
  list(stat = "mean", name="mean_lambda_hat", x="lambda_hat"),
  list(stat = "mse", name="lambda_mse", estimate="lambda_hat", truth=5)

Avi-Kenny/SimEngine documentation built on Nov. 4, 2024, 12:15 p.m.