#' Summarize simulation results
#' @description This function calculates summary statistics for simulation
#' results, including descriptive statistics (e.g. measures of center or
#' spread) and inferential statistics (e.g. bias or confidence interval
#' coverage). All summary statistics are calculated over simulation
#' replicates within a single simulation level.
#' @param sim A simulation object of class \code{sim_obj}, usually created by
#' \code{\link{new_sim}}
#' @param mc_se A logical argument indicating whether to compute Monte Carlo
#' standard error and associated confidence interval for inferential summary
#' statistics. This applies only to the \code{bias}, \code{bias_pct},
#' \code{mse}, \code{mae}, and \code{coverage} summary statistics.
#' @param ... One or more lists, separated by commas, specifying desired
#' summaries of the \code{sim} simulation object. See examples. Each list
#' must have a \code{stat} item, which specifies the type of summary
#' statistic to be calculated. The \code{na.rm} item indicates whether to
#' exclude \code{NA} values when performing the calculation (with default
#' being \code{FALSE}). For \code{stat} options where the \code{name} item
#' is optional, if it is not provided, a name will be formed from the type
#' of summary and the column on which the summary is performed. Additional
#' required items are detailed below for each \code{stat} type.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{list(stat="mean", x="col_1", name="mean_col", na.rm=F)}
#' computes the mean of column \code{sim$results$col_1} for each level
#' combination and creates a summary column named \code{"mean_col"}. Other
#' single-column summary statistics (see the next few items) work
#' analogously. \code{name} is optional.}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="median", ...)} computes the median.}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="var", ...)} computes the variance.}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="sd", ...)} computes the standard deviation.}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="mad", ...)} computes the mean absolute deviation.}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="iqr", ...)} computes the interquartile range.}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="min", ...)} computes the minimum.}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="max", ...)} computes the maximum.}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="is_na", ...)} computes the number of NA values.}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="correlation", x="col_1", y="col_2",
#' name="cor_12")} computes the (Pearson's) correlation coefficient between
#' \code{sim$results$col_1} and \code{sim$results$col_2} for each level
#' combination and creates a summary column named \code{"cor_12"}.}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="covariance", x="col_1", y="col_2",
#' name="cov_12")} computes the covariance between \code{sim$results$col_1}
#' and \code{sim$results$col_2} for each level combination and creates a
#' summary column named \code{"cov_12"}.}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="quantile", x="col_1", prob=0.8, name="q_col_1")}
#' computes the 0.8 quantile of column \code{sim$results$col_1} and creates
#' a summary column named \code{"q_col_1"}. \code{prob} can be any number in
#' [0,1].}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="bias", estimate="est", truth=5,
#' name="bias_est")} computes the absolute bias of the estimator
#' corresponding to column \code{"sim$results$est"}, relative to the true
#' value given in \code{truth}, and creates a summary column named
#' \code{"bias_est"}. \code{name} is optional. See \emph{Details}.}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="bias_pct", estimate="est", truth=5,
#' name="bias_est")} computes the percent bias of the estimator
#' corresponding to column \code{"sim$results$est"}, relative to the true
#' value given in \code{truth}, and creates a summary column named
#' \code{"bias_pct_est"}. \code{name} is optional. See \emph{Details}.}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="mse", estimate="est", truth=5,
#' name="mse_est")} computes the mean squared error of the estimator
#' corresponding to column \code{"sim$results$est"}, relative to the true
#' value given in \code{truth}, and creates a summary column named
#' \code{"mse_est"}. \code{name} is optional. See \emph{Details}.}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="mae", estimate="est", truth=5,
#' name="mae_est")} computes the mean absolute error of the estimator
#' corresponding to column \code{"sim$results$est"}, relative to the true
#' value given in \code{truth}, and creates a summary column named
#' \code{"mae_est"}. \code{name} is optional. See \emph{Details}.}
#' \item{\code{list(stat="coverage", estimate="est", se="se_est",
#' truth=5, name="cov_est")} or
#' \code{list(stat="coverage", lower="est_l", upper="est_u",
#' truth=5, name="cov_est")} computes confidence interval coverage. With the
#' first form, \code{estimate} gives the name of the variable in
#' \code{sim$results} corresponding to the estimator of interest and
#' \code{se} gives the name of the variable containing the standard error of
#' the estimator of interest. With the second form, \code{lower} gives the
#' name of the variable containing the confidence interval lower bound and
#' \code{upper} gives the name of the confidence interval upper bound. In
#' both cases, \code{truth} is the true value (see \emph{Details}), and a
#' summary column named \code{"cov_est"} is created.}
#' }
#' @details \itemize{
#' \item{For all inferential summaries there are three ways to specify
#' \code{truth}: (1) a single number, meaning the estimand is the same
#' across all simulation replicates and levels, (2) a numeric vector of the
#' same length as the number of rows in \code{sim$results}, or (3) the name
#' of a variable in \code{sim$results} containing the estimand of interest.}
#' \item{There are two ways to specify the confidence interval bounds for
#' \code{coverage}. The first is to provide an \code{estimate} and its
#' associated \code{se} (standard error). These should both be variables in
#' \code{sim$results}. The function constructs a 95\% Wald-type confidence
#' interval of the form \code{(estimate-1.96*se, estimate+1.96*se)}. The
#' alternative is to provide \code{lower} and \code{upper} bounds, which
#' should also be variables in \code{sim$results}. In this case, the
#' confidence interval is (\code{lower}, \code{upper}). The coverage is the
#' proportion of simulation replicates for a given level combination in
#' which \code{truth} lies within the interval.}
#' }
#' @return A data frame containing the result of each specified summary function
#' as a column, for each of the simulation levels. The column \code{n_reps}
#' returns the number of successful simulation replicates within each level.
#' @examples
#' sim <- new_sim()
#' create_data <- function(n) { rpois(n, lambda=5) }
#' est_mean <- function(dat, type) {
#' if (type=="M") { return(mean(dat)) }
#' if (type=="V") { return(var(dat)) }
#' }
#' sim %<>% set_levels(n=c(10,100,1000), est=c("M","V"))
#' sim %<>% set_config(num_sim=5)
#' sim %<>% set_script(function() {
#' dat <- create_data(L$n)
#' lambda_hat <- est_mean(dat=dat, type=L$est)
#' return (list("lambda_hat"=lambda_hat))
#' })
#' sim %<>% run()
#' sim %>% summarize(
#' list(stat = "mean", name="mean_lambda_hat", x="lambda_hat"),
#' list(stat = "mse", name="lambda_mse", estimate="lambda_hat", truth=5)
#' )
#' @export
summarize <- function(sim, ..., mc_se = FALSE) {
#' @export
summarize.sim_obj <- function(sim, ..., mc_se = FALSE) {
# Error handling
if (sim$vars$run_state == "pre run") {
stop("Simulation has not been run yet.")
if (sim$vars$run_state == "run, all errors") {
stop("100% of simulations had errors.")
# Parse passed arguments
R <- sim$results
names_levels <- names(sim$levels)
names_results <- names(sim$results)
# Evaluate passed arguments, passing in constants
o_args <- list(...)
# String to temporarily append to column names
pre <- "o___o_"
# If there is only one list, wrap it in a list
metrics <- c("mean",
code_mean <- ""
code_median <- ""
code_var <- ""
code_sd <- ""
code_mad <- ""
code_iqr <- ""
code_quantile <- ""
code_min <- ""
code_max <- ""
code_bias <- ""
code_bias_mc_se <- ""
code_bias_mc_cil <- ""
code_bias_mc_ciu <- ""
code_bias_pct <- ""
code_bias_pct_mc_se <- ""
code_bias_pct_mc_cil <- ""
code_bias_pct_mc_ciu <- ""
code_mse <- ""
code_mse_mc_se <- ""
code_mse_mc_cil <- ""
code_mse_mc_ciu <- ""
code_mae <- ""
code_mae_mc_se <- ""
code_mae_mc_cil <- ""
code_mae_mc_ciu <- ""
code_coverage <- ""
code_coverage_mc_se <- ""
code_coverage_mc_cil <- ""
code_coverage_mc_ciu <- ""
code_correlation <- ""
code_covariance <- ""
code_is_na <- ""
# Parse code to display levels
if (is.null(sim$levels$no_levels)) {
code_levels <- paste0("'",names_levels,"'=`",names_levels,"`[1],")
} else {
code_levels <- ""
for (arg in o_args){
if (!(methods::is(arg, "list"))){
stop(paste0("Each desired summary metric must be specified as a list."))
# get stat name provided by user, make sure it's valid (and it exists)
stat_name <- arg$stat
if (is.null(stat_name)){
stop(paste0("You must provide a type of summary metric."))
if (!(stat_name %in% metrics)){
stop(paste0(stat_name, " is an invalid summary metric."))
# parse mean code
if (stat_name == "mean"){
# if name missing, create a name
if (is.null(arg$name)) { arg$name <- paste0("mean_", arg$x) }
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.null", msg="`x` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.in", other=names(R),
msg=paste0("`",arg$x,"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$x]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$x)
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE),"
} else {
na_1 <- "),"
code_mean <- c(code_mean, paste0(
pre, arg$name, " = mean(", arg$x, na_1
# parse median code
} else if (stat_name == "median"){
# if name missing, create a name
if (is.null(arg$name)) { arg$name <- paste0("median_", arg$x) }
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.null", msg="`x` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.in", other=names(R),
msg=paste0("`",arg$x,"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$x]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$x)
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE),"
} else {
na_1 <- "),"
code_median <- c(code_median, paste0(
pre, arg$name, " = median(", arg$x, na_1
# parse variance code
} else if (stat_name == "var"){
# if name missing, create a name
if (is.null(arg$name)) { arg$name <- paste0("var_", arg$x) }
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.null", msg="`x` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.in", other=names(R),
msg=paste0("`",arg$x,"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$x]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$x)
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE),"
} else {
na_1 <- "),"
code_var <- c(code_var, paste0(
pre, arg$name, " = var(", arg$x, na_1
# parse SD code
} else if (stat_name == "sd"){
# if name missing, create a name
if (is.null(arg$name)) { arg$name <- paste0("sd_", arg$x) }
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.null", msg="`x` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.in", other=names(R),
msg=paste0("`",arg$x,"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$x]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$x)
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE),"
} else {
na_1 <- "),"
code_sd <- c(code_sd, paste0(
pre, arg$name, " = sd(", arg$x, na_1
# parse MAD code
} else if (stat_name == "mad"){
# if name missing, create a name
if (is.null(arg$name)) { arg$name <- paste0("MAD_", arg$x) }
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.null", msg="`x` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.in", other=names(R),
msg=paste0("`",arg$x,"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$x]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$x)
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE),"
} else {
na_1 <- "),"
code_mad <- c(code_mad, paste0(
pre, arg$name, " = mad(", arg$x, na_1
# parse IQR code
} else if (stat_name == "iqr"){
# if name missing, create a name
if (is.null(arg$name)) { arg$name <- paste0("IQR_", arg$x) }
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.null", msg="`x` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.in", other=names(R),
msg=paste0("`",arg$x,"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$x]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$x)
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE),"
} else {
na_1 <- "),"
code_iqr <- c(code_iqr, paste0(
#arg$name, " = IQR(", arg$x, na_1
pre, arg$name, " = tryCatch(IQR(", arg$x, na_1,
" error = function(e) {return(NA)}),"
# parse quantile code
} else if (stat_name == "quantile"){
# if name missing, create a name
if (is.null(arg$name)) {
arg$name <- paste0("quantile_", arg$prob, "_", arg$x)
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.null", msg="`x` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$prob, "is.null", msg="`prob` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.in", other=names(R),
msg=paste0("`",arg$x,"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$x]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$x)
handle_errors(arg$prob, "is.numeric", name=arg$prob)
if (length(arg$prob) > 1 | arg$prob > 1 | arg$prob < 0) {
stop(paste0(arg$prob, " is not a number between 0 and 1."))
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE),"
} else {
na_1 <- "),"
code_quantile <- c(code_quantile, paste0(
#arg$name, " = quantile(", arg$x, ", probs=", arg$prob, ",", na_1
pre, arg$name, " = tryCatch(quantile(", arg$x, ", probs=", arg$prob,
",", na_1, " error = function(e) {return(NA)}),"
# parse min summary code
} else if (stat_name == "min"){
# if name missing, create a name
if (is.null(arg$name)) { arg$name <- paste0("min_", arg$x) }
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.null", msg="`x` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.in", other=names(R),
msg=paste0("`",arg$x,"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$x]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$x)
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE),"
} else {
na_1 <- "),"
code_min <- c(code_min, paste0(
pre, arg$name, " = min(", arg$x, na_1
# parse max summary code
} else if (stat_name == "max"){
# if name missing, create a name
if (is.null(arg$name)) { arg$name <- paste0("max_", arg$x) }
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.null", msg="`x` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.in", other=names(R),
msg=paste0("`",arg$x,"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$x]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$x)
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE),"
} else {
na_1 <- "),"
code_max <- c(code_max, paste0(
pre, arg$name, " = max(", arg$x, na_1
# parse bias code
} else if (stat_name == "bias"){
# if name missing, create a name
if (is.null(arg$name)) { arg$name <- paste0("bias_", arg$estimate) }
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$estimate, "is.null",
msg="`estimate` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$truth, "is.null", msg="`truth` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$estimate, "is.in", other=names(R),
"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$estimate]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$estimate)
if (length(arg$truth)>1 ||
(!is.numeric(arg$truth) && !(arg$truth %in% names(R))) ||
(arg$truth %in% names(R) && !is.numeric(R[[arg$truth]]))) {
stop(paste0("`", arg$truth,
"` is neither a number nor a variable in results"))
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE),"
} else {
na_1 <- "),"
code_bias <- c(code_bias, paste0(
pre, arg$name, " = mean(", arg$estimate, "-", arg$truth, na_1
if (mc_se){
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE)"
} else {
na_1 <- ")"
code_bias_mc_se <- c(code_bias_mc_se, paste0(
pre, arg$name, "_mc_se = sqrt((1/(sum(!is.na(", arg$estimate,
arg$estimate, "-", arg$truth, "-", pre, arg$name, ")^2", na_1, "),"
code_bias_mc_cil <- c(code_bias_mc_cil, paste0(
pre, arg$name, "_mc_ci_l = ", pre, arg$name, "- 1.96*", pre, arg$name,
code_bias_mc_ciu <- c(code_bias_mc_ciu, paste0(
pre, arg$name, "_mc_ci_u = ", pre, arg$name, "+ 1.96*", pre, arg$name,
# parse bias pct code
} else if (stat_name == "bias_pct"){
# if name missing, create a name
if (is.null(arg$name)) { arg$name <- paste0("bias_pct_", arg$estimate) }
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$estimate, "is.null",
msg="`estimate` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$truth, "is.null", msg="`truth` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$estimate, "is.in", other=names(R),
"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$estimate]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$estimate)
if (length(arg$truth)>1 ||
(!is.numeric(arg$truth) && !(arg$truth %in% names(R))) ||
(arg$truth %in% names(R) && !is.numeric(R[[arg$truth]]))) {
stop(paste0("`", arg$truth,
"` is neither a number nor a variable in results"))
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE)"
} else {
na_1 <- ")"
code_bias_pct <- c(code_bias_pct, paste0(
pre, arg$name, " = mean(", arg$estimate, "-", arg$truth, na_1,
"/abs(", arg$truth, "[1]),"
if (mc_se){
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE)"
} else {
na_1 <- ")"
code_bias_pct_mc_se <- c(code_bias_mc_se, paste0(
pre, arg$name, "_mc_se = (1/abs(", arg$truth,
"[1]))*sqrt((1/(sum(!is.na(", arg$estimate,"))-1))*mean((",
arg$estimate, "-", arg$truth, "-", pre, arg$name, ")^2", na_1, "),"
code_bias_pct_mc_cil <- c(code_bias_pct_mc_cil, paste0(
pre, arg$name, "_mc_ci_l = ", pre, arg$name, "- 1.96*", pre, arg$name,
code_bias_pct_mc_ciu <- c(code_bias_pct_mc_ciu, paste0(
pre, arg$name, "_mc_ci_u = ", pre, arg$name, "+ 1.96*", pre, arg$name,
# parse MSE code
} else if (stat_name == "mse"){
# if name missing, create a name
if (is.null(arg$name)) { arg$name <- paste0("MSE_", arg$estimate) }
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$estimate, "is.null",
msg="`estimate` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$truth, "is.null", msg="`truth` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$estimate, "is.in", other=names(R),
"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$estimate]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$estimate)
if (length(arg$truth)>1 ||
(!is.numeric(arg$truth) && !(arg$truth %in% names(R))) ||
(arg$truth %in% names(R) && !is.numeric(R[[arg$truth]]))) {
stop(paste0("`", arg$truth,
"` is neither a number nor a variable in results"))
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE),"
} else {
na_1 <- "),"
code_mse <- c(code_mse, paste0(
pre, arg$name, " = mean((", arg$estimate, "-", arg$truth, ")^2", na_1
if (mc_se){
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE)"
} else {
na_1 <- ")"
code_mse_mc_se <- c(code_mse_mc_se, paste0(
pre, arg$name, "_mc_se = sqrt((1/(sum(!is.na(", arg$estimate,
arg$estimate, "-", arg$truth, ")^2 -", pre, arg$name, ")^2", na_1,
code_mse_mc_cil <- c(code_mse_mc_cil, paste0(
pre, arg$name, "_mc_ci_l = ", pre, arg$name, "- 1.96*", pre, arg$name,
code_mse_mc_ciu <- c(code_mse_mc_ciu, paste0(
pre, arg$name, "_mc_ci_u = ", pre, arg$name, "+ 1.96*", pre, arg$name,
# parse MAE code
} else if (stat_name == "mae"){
# if name missing, create a name
if (is.null(arg$name)) { arg$name <- paste0("MAE_", arg$estimate) }
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$estimate, "is.null",
msg="`estimate` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$truth, "is.null", msg="`truth` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$estimate, "is.in", other=names(R),
"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$estimate]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$estimate)
if (length(arg$truth)>1 ||
(!is.numeric(arg$truth) && !(arg$truth %in% names(R))) ||
(arg$truth %in% names(R) && !is.numeric(R[[arg$truth]]))) {
stop(paste0("`", arg$truth,
"` is neither a number nor a variable in results"))
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE),"
} else {
na_1 <- "),"
code_mae <- c(code_mae, paste0(
pre, arg$name, " = mean(abs(", arg$estimate, "-", arg$truth, ")", na_1
if (mc_se){
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE)"
} else {
na_1 <- ")"
code_mae_mc_se <- c(code_mae_mc_se, paste0(
pre, arg$name, "_mc_se = sqrt((1/(sum(!is.na(", arg$estimate,
"))-1))*mean((abs(", arg$estimate, "-", arg$truth, ") -", pre,
arg$name, ")^2", na_1, "),"
code_mae_mc_cil <- c(code_mae_mc_cil, paste0(
pre, arg$name, "_mc_ci_l = ", pre, arg$name, "- 1.96*", pre, arg$name,
code_mae_mc_ciu <- c(code_mae_mc_ciu, paste0(
pre, arg$name, "_mc_ci_u = ", pre, arg$name, "+ 1.96*", pre, arg$name,
### Calculate CIs and parse coverage summary code
# !!!!! Add a column to specify how many rows were omitted with na.rm (for other summary stats as well)
# !!!!! if (mean, se) and (upper, lower) are both provided, the latter takes precedence.
} else if (stat_name == "coverage"){
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.null", msg="`name` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$truth, "is.null", msg="`truth` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
if (length(arg$truth)>1 ||
(!is.numeric(arg$truth) && !(arg$truth %in% names(R))) ||
(arg$truth %in% names(R) && !is.numeric(R[[arg$truth]]))) {
stop(paste0("`", arg$truth,
"` is neither a number nor a variable in results"))
if (!((!is.null(arg$est) && !is.null(arg$se)) ||
(!is.null(arg$lower) && !is.null(arg$upper)))) {
stop(paste0("Either `estimate` and `se` OR `lower` and `upper` must be",
" provided"))
# Handle case where user provides estimate+se
if (!is.null(arg$se) && !is.null(arg$estimate)) {
handle_errors(arg$estimate, "is.in", other=names(R),
"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(arg$se, "is.in", other=names(R),
msg=paste0("`",arg$se,"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$estimate]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$estimate)
handle_errors(R[[arg$se]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$se)
ci_l <- R[[arg$estimate]] - 1.96*R[[arg$se]]
ci_h <- R[[arg$estimate]] + 1.96*R[[arg$se]]
# Handle case where user provides lower+upper
if (!is.null(arg$lower) && !is.null(arg$upper)) {
handle_errors(arg$lower, "is.in", other=names(R),
"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(arg$upper, "is.in", other=names(R),
"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$lower]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$lower)
handle_errors(R[[arg$upper]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$upper)
ci_l <- R[[arg$lower]]
ci_h <- R[[arg$upper]]
R[[paste0(".ci_l_",arg$name)]] <- ci_l
R[[paste0(".ci_h_",arg$name)]] <- ci_h
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE)"
} else {
na_1 <- ")"
code_coverage <- c(code_coverage, paste0(
pre, arg$name, " = sum(.ci_l_", arg$name, " <= ", arg$truth,
" & ", arg$truth, " <= .ci_h_", arg$name, na_1,
"/sum(!is.na(.ci_l_", arg$name, ") & !is.na(.ci_h_", arg$name,
") & !is.na(", arg$truth, ")", "),"))
if (mc_se){
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", na.rm=TRUE)"
} else {
na_1 <- ")"
na_code <- paste0("sum(!is.na(.ci_l_", arg$name, ") & !is.na(.ci_h_",
arg$name, ") & !is.na(", arg$truth, ")", ")")
code_coverage_mc_se <- c(code_coverage_mc_se, paste0(
pre, arg$name, "_mc_se = sqrt((1/", na_code, ")*", pre, arg$name,
"* (1 - ", pre, arg$name, ")),"
code_coverage_mc_cil <- c(code_coverage_mc_cil, paste0(
pre, arg$name, "_mc_ci_l = max(", pre, arg$name, "- 1.96*", pre,
arg$name, "_mc_se, 0),"
code_coverage_mc_ciu <- c(code_coverage_mc_ciu, paste0(
pre, arg$name, "_mc_ci_u = min(", pre, arg$name, "+ 1.96*", pre,
arg$name, "_mc_se, 1),"
} else if (stat_name == "correlation"){
# if name missing, create a name
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.null", msg="`name` argument is required")
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.null", msg="`x` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$y, "is.null", msg="`y` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.in", other=names(R),
msg=paste0("`",arg$x,"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(arg$y, "is.in", other=names(R),
msg=paste0("`",arg$y,"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$x]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$x)
handle_errors(R[[arg$y]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$y)
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", use='complete.obs'),"
} else {
na_1 <- "),"
code_correlation <- c(code_correlation, paste0(
pre, arg$name, " = cor(", arg$x, ",", arg$y, na_1
} else if (stat_name == "covariance"){
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.null", msg="`name` argument is required")
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.null", msg="`x` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$y, "is.null", msg="`y` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.in", other=names(R),
msg=paste0("`",arg$x,"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(arg$y, "is.in", other=names(R),
msg=paste0("`",arg$y,"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$x]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$x)
handle_errors(R[[arg$y]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$y)
if (!is.null(arg$na.rm) && arg$na.rm==TRUE) {
na_1 <- ", use='complete.obs'),"
} else {
na_1 <- "),"
code_covariance <- c(code_covariance, paste0(
pre, arg$name, " = cov(", arg$x, ",", arg$y, na_1
} else if (stat_name == "is_na"){
# if name missing, create a name
if (is.null(arg$name)) { arg$name <- paste0("is_na_", arg$x) }
# Handle errors
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.null", msg="`x` argument is required")
handle_errors(arg$name, "is.character", name="name")
handle_errors(arg$x, "is.in", other=names(R),
msg=paste0("`",arg$x,"` is not a variable in results"))
handle_errors(R[[arg$x]], "is.numeric.vec", name=arg$x)
code_is_na <- c(code_is_na, paste0(
pre, arg$name, " = sum(is.na(", arg$x, ")),"
code_nrep <- "n_reps = dplyr::n(),"
### Put code strings together
summarize_code <- c(
"as.data.frame(dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(R, level_id),",
summarize_code <- c(summarize_code, "))")
summary <- eval(parse(text=summarize_code))
names(summary) <- gsub(pre, "", names(summary))
return (summary)
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