
For PR submission: What changes are involved in this pull request?

Is there a GitHub issue corresponding to this pull request? If so, please provide link.

Checklist for PR Reviewer - [ ] Make sure all updates from master branch are pulled to branch issuing pull request - [ ] Confirm package dependencies are installed by running renv::install() - [ ] For bug corrections, check that unit test was added - [ ] usethis::use_spell_check() runs with no spelling errors in documentation - [ ] R CMD Check runs without errors, warnings, and notes - [ ] Document changes from this pull request in NEWS.md file - [ ] Run pkgdown::build_site(). Check the R console for errors, and review the rendered website. If there are errors returned, try running pkgdown::build_site(new_process = FALSE) for better error messaging. - [ ] Code coverage is suitable for any new functions/features. Review coverage with covr::report(). Before you run, begin in a fresh R session without any packages loaded and set Sys.setenv(NOT_CRAN="true"). - [ ] Increment the version number using usethis::use_version(which = "dev") - [ ] Approve and merge pull request

AxelitoMartin/GenieBPC documentation built on April 20, 2024, 6:38 a.m.