add_char_to_textlines | Add a string to the end of each line in a file. |
add_matrices | Matrix addition |
asinh_trans | asinh ggplot scale transformation |
avg_columns | Condense a matrix by averaging selected columns |
binlatlon | Get bin number, longitude, latitude |
bin_to_raster | Generate 2D grid of L3b data for viewing |
box_fun | Extract a matchup box from a raster |
ci | Color Index Algorithm |
collapse_window | Get single value from pixel window |
conv_rrs_to_555 | Convert green Rrs to Rrs at 555nm |
create_blank_raster | Blank raster |
dategrp | Date group numbers |
days_vector | List days of the year within a month |
deg_to_dm | Convert a latitude or longitude from decimal degrees to... |
deg_to_dms | Convert a latitude or longitude from decimal degrees to... |
dms_to_deg | Convert a latitude or longitude to decimal degrees |
download_oc | Download ocean colour files |
eof_chl | EOF chlorophyll-a model |
filtered_mean | Calculate filtered mean, stdev, and CV |
find_factors | Find all the factors of a positive integer |
find_line | Compute line parameters |
gen_bin_grid | Generate bin grid for viewing |
gen_nrows | Get number of rows on L3b global grid for a given resolution |
gen_start_bin | Generate start bin vector |
geoMean | Geometric mean |
geoSD | Geometric standard deviation |
get_aphstar | Get phytoplankton absorption coefficients (aphstar) for... |
get_aw | Get water absorption coefficients (aw) for selected wavebands |
get_bbw | Get water backscattering coefficients (bbw) for selected... |
get_bins | Get bin info at 4km and 9km resolution |
get_br | Get band ratios |
get_ci_bands | Get wavebands to use in the color index algorithm |
get_ci_coefs | Get coefficients to use in the Hu chlorophyll-a algorithm. |
get_closest_bins | Given lat/lon, find closest bin(s) |
get_doys | Get start days, given interval |
get_edges | Extract the edges of a matrix |
get_flag_data | Get flag data |
get_gs | GSM gs coefficients |
get_gsm_IOPexps | Get predefined IOP exponents for GSM in specific regions (NWA... |
get_imglist_l1 | Get L1A filenames |
get_imglist_multi | Get L2 / L3 filenames |
get_lm_stats | Get model object results |
get_match | Extract closest points from regular 2d grid |
get_ocx_bands | Get OCX wavebands for a sensor |
get_ocx_coefs | Get predefined coefficients for OCx |
get_polygons | Get predefined polygons from Northwest Atlantic |
get_ranges | Get ggplot scale ranges |
get_season | Get season name |
gmt_palettes | Colour Palettes |
gsm | GSM algorithm for MODIS-Aqua, SeaWiFS, or VIIRS-SNPP |
haversine | Haversine |
hu | Hu chlorophyll-a algorithm |
lmp | Get p-value |
make_raster_map | Plot a georeferenced raster on a map |
monotonic_check | Check if a vector is monotonically increasing/decreasing |
nc_image_stats | Get percent coverage of netCDF satellite image |
oci | Calculate OCI, the chlorophyll-a algorithm that blends OCx... |
ocx | OCX algorithm |
ocx_sse | OCx SSE |
optimize_ocx_coefs | OCX coefficient optimization |
order_string | Order the characters in a single string |
pad0 | Pad a string or number with zeroes in front. |
plot_pancan | Plot panCanadian L3b file |
plot_swath | Plot satellite swath boundary |
plus_minus | Get vector surrounding number |
pos_angle | Convert an angle to its equivalent value in the range 0 to... |
proper | Capitalization |
qaa | QAA algorithm, version 6 |
raster_to_matrix | Convert raster stack to matrix |
read_h5_L3b | Read NASA OBPG level-3 binned file contents |
read_h5_L3b_names | Get list of variable names, dimensions, and datatypes from an... |
read_pixEx | Read pixEx |
res_code_to_dist | Given L3b data resolution code, get distance |
rm_dup | Remove consecutive duplicate characters in a string |
rmse | Calculate RMSE |
rrs_above_to_below_sea_level | Convert Rrs below sea level |
same_scales | Make scales of list of ggplot objects the same |
select_groups | Select groups in dplyr |
separate_flags | Separate flag masks |
set_limits | Set values outside range to upper/lower limits |
shifted_gaussian | Shifted Gaussian Curve |
shift_line | Shift line |
sinh_trans | sinh ggplot scale transformation |
sparkle_fill | Sparkle fill: fill small holes in raster or matrix |
vector_errors | Calculate error vectors |
vector_stats | Calculate statistics |
week8 | 8-day week number |
week8_date | Date from 8-day week number |
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