read_h5_L3b: Read NASA OBPG level-3 binned file contents

View source: R/satfile_funcs.R

read_h5_L3bR Documentation

Read NASA OBPG level-3 binned file contents


Note that NASA OBPG L3b file formats are hierarchical netCDF (.nc). Currently netCDF cannot read these, but the hdf5r library can. This function is just a wrapper for a few useful functions in that library, returning the main file contents in a more familiar format.


read_h5_L3b(h5_file, var_name = NULL)



String, h5 filename


Character vector, names of variable(s) to extract (example: "level-3_binned_data/chlor_a"). If left NULL, all dataset variables will be returned.


List containing a dataframe summarizing the contents of the file, global attributes, and data from selected variables and their attributes.

BIO-RSG/oceancolouR documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 7:47 a.m.