ethr: ethr: An R package for Ethereum.

Description Base RPC functions Helper functions


ethr provides basic tools for scraping and collating data from the Ethereum blockchain in R.

Base RPC functions

Any functions prefixed with 'eth_' are direct implementations of the geth RPC functions for interfacing with a running geth instance, details of which can be found here.

All of these functions input and output their values in '0x' prefixed hex format, but do so as a character rather than R's native hexmode type. This is for efficiency in calling the RPC interface and to avoid converting between '0x' prefixed hex and plain hex.

Helper functions

These functions implement the base fucntions to provide a more intuitive and useful set of working tools for interacting with the blockchain.

BSDStudios/ethr documentation built on May 5, 2019, 10:26 a.m.