Note: this is a copy of the README file.

infuser is a simple and very basic templating engine for R. It replaces parameters within templates with specified values. Templates can be either contained in a string or in a file.



If you want to use the most up-to-date version, install using devtools::install_github.


Hello World

A simple Hello World example that makes use of the magrittr piping workflow.


"Hello {{var1}}!" %>%


Working with character strings as templates

Let's have a look at an example string.

my_sql<-"SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE Year = {{year}}
AND Month = {{month|3}};"

Here the variable parameters are enclosed by {{ and }} characters. See ?infuse to use your own specification.

From now on, we suppose the character string my_sql is our template. To show the parameters requested by the template you can run the following.

variables_requested(my_sql, verbose = TRUE)

To fill in the template simply provide the requested parameters.

  infuse(my_sql, year=2016, month=8)

You can also provide a named list with the requested parameters.


infuse(my_sql, my_list)

If a default value is available in the template, it will be used if the parameter is not specified.

infuse(my_sql, year=2016)

Working with text files as templates

Just like we're using a string here, a text file can be used. An example text file can be found in the package as follows:

  system.file("extdata", "sql1.sql", package="infuser")


Again, we can check which parameters are requested by the template.

variables_requested(example_file, verbose = TRUE)

And provide their values.

infuse(example_file, year = 2016, month = 12)

Infusing vectors

It is quite easy to infuse a vector.

years <- c(2013,2014,2015)
sql_string <- "SELECT * FROM T1 WHERE Year IN ({{years}})"

infuse(sql_string, years=years)

You can also specify the collapse character.

infuse(sql_string, years=years, collapse_char = ";")

Processing / transforming your inputs

A transform_function can be specified in the infuse command. This allows for pre-processing of the parameter values before inserting them in the template.

What we don't want to happen is the following:

sql<-"INSERT INTO Students (Name) VALUES ({{name}})"
name <- "Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--"

infuse(sql, name = name)

Yikes! A way to solve this is to specify your own custom transform function.

  # replace single quotes with double quotes
  v<-gsub("'", "''", v)
  # encloses the string in single quotes


infuse(sql, name = name, transform_function = my_transform_function)

Of course you can also use functions from other packages. Specifically for SQL I advise you to take a look at the dbplyr::build_sql function.

infuse(sql, name = name, transform_function = dbplyr::build_sql)

Bart6114/infuser documentation built on May 5, 2019, 10:26 a.m.